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15TH_FLOOR_LABS 15th Floor 19-20-FOSUNDERGRADS 19-20 Faculty of Science Undergraduate Students 20-21-fosundergrads 20-21 Faculty of Science Undergrads 2008-CONGRESS Annual Giving Congress 2021_2022-FoS_Graduates 2021 - 2022 FoS Graduate Students 2021_2022-FoS_Undergraduates Undergraduate Students for 2021-2022 2022pharm Dal Pharmacy Class of 2022 2023pharm Dal Pharmacy Class of 2023 2024pharm Dal Pharmacy Class of 2024 2025pharm Dal Pharmacy Class of 2025 22_23-FoS_Graduates 2022-2023 Faculty of Science Graduates 22_23-FoS_Undergraduates 2022-2023 Faculty of Science Undergraduates 23_24-FoS_Graduates 2023-2024 Faculty of Science graduate students 23_24-FoS_Undergraduates 2023-2024 Faculty of Science undergraduate students 4YR-4_BSCN Halifax Basic 4th Year UG Students AA-AT-LISTSERV Anesthesia Assistants and Techs AAHRP-BOARD-MEMBERS AAHRP_Board_Members AAHRP-RESEARCHERS funded research AAHRP_Newsletter_Distribution AAHRP Newsletter Distribution List AAHRP_STUDENTS AAHRP Students AARMS AARMS mailing list ABC-2024 ABC Conference 2024 Group ABOUTREACH AB Outreach recruiting AC-AAFC AAFC AC-DEPTCHAIRS Faculty of Agriculture Department Chairs List AC-FACULTYCOUNCIL Agricultural list for faculty members AC-FGS Faculty of Graduate Studies AC-FOFAG Faculty of Agriculture AC-GRADS Students graduating from the AC AC-Haley-Bldg Staff and Faculty Occupants of Haley Bldg AC-INSTRUCTORS AC-INSTRUCTORS AC-MSC Agricultural Campus Graduate Students AC-PAG Principals Advisory Committee for the AC AC-PAG-MGR Principal's Advisory Group Managers (Halifax) AC-PDF AC-Post-Doctoral Fellows AC-PHD AC-PhD AC-PROFESSORS AC-PROFESSORS AC-RESEARCHERS Researchers at Faculty of Agriculture AC-SERVICE AC Campus Support Units AC-SESSIONALS AC-SESSIONALS AC-SESSIONALS-WINTER Sessional Lecturers for winter semester AC-UNIV Canadian Universities AC-VSGS Visiting Research Graduate Students ACA-L Association of Canadian Archivists Dalhousie University Student academic-leaders Information sharing with Academic Leaders ACADEMIC-PROFESSIONS-SURVEY Research Survey ACADEMIC-VISA-EXPIRY Academic Visa Expiry ACADEMICVISAEXPIRY Academic Visa Expiry ACADUNITADMINS Acad Unit Admins-TimeTabler ACCUTE-CAMPUS-REPS ACCUTE Campus Representative Listserv ACCUTE-EXEC ACCUTE Executive committee listserv ACENGN_GRADSTUDENTS Grad Students in AC Engineering ACORN-ACENET-TECH ACORN-ACEnet-tech ACORN-CBU-TECH ACORN-CBU-tech acorn-contact acorn contact ACORN-HITS-TECH acorn-hits-tech ACORN-INFO acorn info ACORN-NSCC-TECH ACORN-NSCC-tech ACORN-SECURITY ACORN-security ACORN-STFX-TECH ACORN-StFX-tec ACORN-UPEI-TECH ACORN-UPEI-tech ACORN-USTEA-TECH ACORN-USteA-tech ACUDA-PGE ACUDA Postgrade Education Group ACUDA_PGE_PA ANES Program Administrators ACZISC-COASTAL-UPDATE ACZISC Coastal Update e-newsletter AC_HelpCentre_Tutors AC Help Centre Tutors ADJUNCTS-NURSING-LISTSERV Nursing Adjuncts ADVC-COBURG Advancement at 6389 Coburg ADVC-DO Advancement Development Officers ADVSTANDING ADVSTANDING@LISTS.DAL.CA - All AS UG Students (Halifax) AFMCLIB AFMC Network on Libraries African_Descent_Nursing Nursing Students of African Descent Agri-food-Analytics-Lab AAL Research News AGRICULTURAL-CAMPUS Agricultural Campus Staff & Faculty AIRN The Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network (AIRN) ALBERTAALUM AlbertaAlum ALL-ECE-3RD-YR-STUD 3rd yr ECE Fall 2010 all-mathstat all-mathstat ALL-SCIENCE-STUDENTS-EMAILS ScienceStudents ALUM-AGRICULTURE-REVIEW Alumni List for Senate Review of Agriculture ALUMNI-ADVISORIES School of Business Alumni NS Mainland Alumni-dal MFA sign up deadline ALUMNI-LIST Alumni Listing ALUMNI-NEWSLETTER Faculty of Science - Alumni Newsletter ALUMNI_MBA_HFX MBA Alumni Halifax ANATOMYDRAWING Anatomy Drawing Club News ANES-ADMIN-SUPPORT Non-clinical staff ANESTHESIA-DEPT Dept of Anesthesia, Pain Mgmt & Periop Medicine ANESTHESIA-FACULTY Anesthesia Faculty ANESTHESIA-GRAND-ROUNDS List of people to invite to general topic Anesthesia Grand Rounds ANNOUNCEMENT-NOVA-SCOTIA-INTERNS Introduction to Interns for NS ANNOUNCEMENT-OTHER-INTERNS Introduction to Interns for Other ANNOUNCEMENT-OTTAWA-INTERNS Introduction to Interns for Ottawa Annual-Fund-Team Advancement Annual Fund group ANNUALFUND All about the annual fund at Dalhousie APHASIA-ACTION Aphasia Action News APICS-CHAIRS APICS Chairs Discussion APLA-List APLA-List List ARCH-LIST School of Architecture Faculty and Students ARCH-NEWS-EXTERNAL Architecture news from external sources ARCH-STUDENTS Dalhousie Architecture Students ARDC-RESEARCHERS_GENERAL ARDC ARDCTECH ARDC Tech ARDCTECHEXT ARDC-TECHNICAL-SUPPORT ARDC_MAIL ARDC ARDC_RESEARCHERS ARDC ARTS-ALUM-SRC Alumni List for Senate Review of FASS ARTSCLUSTER Artscluster ASSISTANT-VPS Assistant VP's ATLANTIC-PHONATHON-GROUP Atlantic Phonathon Group ATLANTICIR Atlantic Institutional Research Interest Group ATMOS-SCI Atmospheric Science Mailing List ATS ATS list AUCSN-L Atlantic University Colleges Sustainability Network AUDIO-VISUAL-SERVICES Audio Visual Services AZUG AZUG BASINLAB Basin and Reservoir Lab BB-Alumni-and-supporters BB alumni and Supporters BCALUM BCAlum BCD BCD Students BCD-ADVISING BCD Advising List BCD-ADVISING-LIST BCD Advising List BCOM-NS Alumni Advisories BCOM_ALUM_CALGARY BCOM Alumni Calgary BCOM_ALUM_EDMONTON BCOM Alumni Edmonton BCOM_ALUM_NS BCOM Alumni Nova Scotia BCOM_ALUM_RECENT BCOM_ALUM_RECENT BCOM_ALUM_TORONTO BCOM Alumni Toronto BDMSUSERS BDMS Users BENLab-Dalhousie BENLab logistics list BENLAB-DALHOUSIE-ALUMNI Alums from the BENLAB BENLab-Journal-Club Human Movement Analysis Journal Club BENTHICPOD Bedford Basin Benthic Pod BIGDATA Institute for Big Data Analytics BILL-TEST-ITS bill-test-its BIOC1420 Introductory Biochemistry BIOC2610 Introductory Biochemistry Lab BIOC3300 Intermediary Metabolism BIOC3400 Nucleic Acid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology BIOC3700 Biomolecular Chemistry BIOCHEM-ADVISOR B&MB undergraduate academic advisors BIOCHEM-DBSS DBSS BIOCHEM-FACULTY B&MB faculty BIOCHEM-GRADSTUDENTS B&MB graduate students BIOCHEM-HONOURS B&MB honours students BIOCHEM-HONOURS_SUPERVISORS B&MB honours students supervisors BIOCHEM-NOTICES B&MB notices BIOCHEM-POSTDOCS B&MB postdoctoral fellows BIOCHEM-SEMINARS B&MB seminar notices BIOCHEM-SPECIAL Special notices BIOCOMPNADO Dalhousie University Joint Bioinformatics Lab BIOGEOCHEM Grouping of Biogeochemists at Dalhousie BIOGEOSCAPES Canadian Biogeoscapes BIOIT Biology Dept. Internet Technology Group List BIOL-AGRICULTURE Agricultural Students & Supervisors BIOL-GRADS-HALIFAX Biology Graduate Students - Halifax BIOL-MARI-UNDERGRADS BIOL-MARI-UNDERGRADS BIOL4900HONOURSCLASS BIOL 4900 Honour Students BIOLOGY-ADJUNCTS Biology adjuncts Professors BIOLOGY-FACULTY Biology faculty BIOLOGY-MARINEUNDERGRAD Marine Biology Undergrad Mailing List biology-pdf Biology Post-doctoral Fellows BIOLOGY-RAS Biology Research Associates BIOLOGY-RED Respect, Equality, Diversity Committee BIOLOGY-SESSIONALS BIOLOGY-SESSIONALS BIOLOGY-SESSIONALSW Biology Part-Time Academics (Winter) BIOLOGY-STAFF Biology staff BIOLOGY-UNDERGRAD Biology Undergrad Mailing List BIOLOGY-WING-NON-DEPT-CONTACTS BIOLOGY-non dept emergency BIOTIC-SCIENCE BIOTIC Science Rounds BIZ-OPS Business Operations BME staff BME-FACULTY BME Faculty BME-SEMINAR BME-Seminar BME-STAFF staff BME-STUDENTS Bme Students BMGMT-MCS BMgmt-MCS BMGMT-NS Alumni Advisories BOMGAR-USER Bomgar Users BOSTON-MARATHON-2013 Nick's Boston Marathon 2013 List BOWMANMOOT Bowman moot team BREVETS Brevets Cycle Club BSCN-GRADUATES Recent BScN Graduates BSCN-HFX-YAR BSCN-HFX-YAR BSCN-STUDENTS BScN Students SUPERLIST (All HALIFAX Students In the UG Program) BSW-2013-SLWK-2335-RES BSW 2013 SLWK 2335 Residency BSW-2013-SLWK-4010-RES BSW 2013 SLWK 4010 Residency BSW-2014-RESIDENCY BSW 2014 Residency BSW-2015-RESIDENCY BSW 2015 Residency BSW-2016-RESIDENCY BSW-4033-ALL-2015 BSW SLWK 4033 Part time and block 2015 BSW-4033-SUMMER-14 BSW SLWK 4033 Summer 2014 BSW-FIELD-13-550 BSW Field 2013/14: 550-hour students BSW-FIELD-13-700 BSW Field 2013/14: 700-hour students BSW-NATIONAL-10 BSW National 10 BSW-NATIONAL-11 BSW National 11 BSW-NATIONAL-12 BSW-National-12 BSW-NATIONAL-13 BSW Distance Cohort 13 BSW-NATIONAL-14 BSW National 2014 BSW-NATIONAL-15 BSW-NATIONAL-15 BSW-NATIONAL-19 BSW-National BSW-NATIONAL-20 BSW-NATIONAL-20 BSW-NATIONAL-21 BSW-NATIONAL-21 BUSALUMNB MCS-Alumni-NB BUSALUMNS MCS Alumni-NS BUSCLUSTER Buscluster BUSI5305-1 BUSI 5305 Group 1 BUSI5305-2 BUSI 5305 Group 2 BUSI5305-3 BUSI 5305 Group 3 BUSI5305-4 BUSI 5305 Group 4 BUSI5305-5 BUSI 5305 Group 5 BUSI5305-6 BUSI 5305 Group 6 BUSI5305-7 BUSI 5305 Group 7 BUSI5305-8 BUSI 5305 Group 8 BUSLAW business law working group CAME-MEMBERSHIP CAME Members CampusBooking-RoomTimes Campus Bookings - Room Open - Close Times CAN-RDM-OER RDM OER Working Group CANADIAN-HEALTH-CARE-POLICY Canadian Health Care Policy Group CANADIAN-LAW-DEANS lawdeans CANADIANUNIVERSITIESBIOLOGYCHAIR CHAIRS-CUBC CANPEDPAIN Canadian Pediatric Chronic Pain Network CANTAXPROF Canadian Tax Profs CanTech Canadian Tech Scholars CAPPACONSpeakers CAPPA CON 12 Speakers CARD-SERVICES-BOOKSTORE Book Store Contacts CARD-SERVICES-CARD-SERVICES-ST The staff in Card Services CARD-SERVICES-NOTIFICATION Notification from Card Services CARD-SERVICES-RESIDENCE Residence Contacts CARDSERVICES-FOODSERVICE Foodservice contacts CASCA-WOMEN CASCA Women's Network / Reseau des femmes CASCA_NET-STS CASCA Network for Science & Technology Studies CBFACULTY-STAFF Campus Bookings List Faculty & Staff CCE-NEWSLETTER CCE Newsletter CCFFR ccffr CCLISAR Discussion of legal responses to sexualized violence CCR-NETWORK Co-Curricular Records CCUP-CSD Canadian Council of University Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders CERC-OCEAN Personnel in the CERC group CESWRP Centre of Excellence for Sex Work Research and Policy CFAME-EXEC-ED-HPA HPA Executive Education CFREF-SELF-ID-SURVEY CFREF Self Identification Survey CGSS-STUDENTS-LIST CGSS Students List CH-U12-BOYS Communication with the scoccer parents CH-U12-COACHES Soccer coaches CHAIRS-FOS Chairs FOS CHE-PhDStudents CHE Phd Students CHE-RS CH&E GP RS CHEADJUNCT CHE Adjunct CHEALUMNI CH&E Student Alumni CHEBUCTO_BIG_BAND Chebucto Big Band Listserve CHECROSS CHE cross-appointed faculty members CHEFACULTY CH&E Faculty CHEM-LIBS CHEM LIBS CHEMADJUNCT Chemistry Adjunct Professors CHEMDEPT Chemistry Department CHEMEMERITUS Professors Emeriti, Chemistry chemfaculty Department of Chemistry Faculty CHEMGRADNEW New Chemistry Grad Students CHEMGRADSTUD Chemistry Grad Students CHEMMAJORS ChemMajors CHEMRES Chemistry Researchers CHEMSTAFF Chemistry Staff CHENEWSTUDENTS New CH&E Students CHEPOST CHE Post CHEPostDoc CHE Post Doc CHESEMINARSERIES CH&E Seminar Series CHESTUDENTS CHE Students CHEVGRS CH&E Visiting Graduate Research Students CIHR-IG CIHR IG: Events, opportunities, and updates CIP-GENERAL-LIST CIP General List CIP-WORKSHOP-INVITEES CIP Workshop Invitees CIP-WORKSHOP-REGISTRANTS CIP Workshop Registrants CLDC Career & Leadership Development - Student Newsletter CLINICITS Clinic-ITS Support CLT Centre for Learning and Teaching CLT-FACULTY-LIST CLT Faculty List CMA-NETWORK Canadian Medical Anthropology Network COLLEAGUES SRES Colleagues COLLECTION Collection support COLLEGE-OF-SUSTAINABILITY College of Sustainability - W/PASS/ILL notice COMM1711 COMM1711 COMMERCEGRAD2006 Commerce Grads 2006 COMMERCEGRAD2007 Commerce Grads 2007 COMMERCEGRAD2008 Commerce Grad 2008 COMMERCEGRAD2009 commercegrad2009 COMMERCEGRAD2010 commercegrad2010 COMMERCEGRAD2011 commercegrad2011 COMMERCEGRAD2012 commercegrad2012 COMMERCEGRAD2013 Commercegrad2013 COMMS-DEPT The communications department Communication_Sci_Disorders Communication Sciences and Disorders Student Information CONVOCATION_INVITE Dalhousie Faculty members COPYRIGHT Copyright CORRESPONDING-SOCIETY Beaufort: the corresponding society CPD-MARITIME-FP-900 Maritime Family Physicians CPPR-NEWS CPPR news and updates CRMBA-2014 CRMBA Students 2014 CRMBA-2015 CRMBA Students 2015 CRMBA-2016 CRMBA-2016 CRMBA-2017-LIST CRMBA-2017 CRMBA-2018 CRMBA-2018 CRMBA-2019 CRMBA 2019 CRMBA-2020 CRMBA 2020 CRMBA-2021 Corporate Residency MBA Class of 2021 CRMBA-2022 Corporate Residency MBA Class of 2022 CRMBA-2023 Corporate Residency MBA Class of 2023 CRMBA-2024 Corporate Residency MBA Class of 2024 CRMBA-2025 Corporate Residency MBA Class of 2025 CRMBA-2026 Corporate Residency MBA Class of 2026 CRMBA-FACULTY CRMBA Faculty CRMBA-LEADERSHIP-SCENARIOS CRMBA Leadership Scenarios CRMBA1 Corporate Residency MBA Program CS-ADJUNCTS Dalhousie Computer Science Adjunct Faculty CS-COMMUNITY-OUTREACH Computer Science Community Outreach Students CS-EVENTS Dalhousie Computer Science Events CS-GRAD-EVENTS Dalhousie Computer Science Graduate Events CS-HOCKEY-NEW CS-HOCKEY-NEW CS-JOBS Dalhousie Computer Science Employment Information CS-OPENSTACK-USERS CS OpenStack Users CS-SEMINAR Dalhousie Computer Science Research Seminars CS-THESISDEFENCE Dalhousie Computer Science Thesis Defences CS-UNDERGRAD-EVENTS Dalhousie Computer Science Undergraduate Events CSCI3130S19 CSCI3130 Summer 2019 CSCI3172-TAS CSCI 3172 TA Mailing List CSCI4177-TAS CSCI 4177 TAs csci5709-tas CSCI 5709 Course TAs List csFallTeaching Computer Science Sessional Instructors CSGS-COUNCIL CS Graduate Society Council CSGS-EXECUTIVE CS Graduate Society Executive Members CSOS CSOS (Old List - No Longer Used) csSummerTeaching Computer Science Sessional Instructors csWinterTeaching Computer Science Sessional Instructors CSWRPADMIN Center for Sex Work Research and Policy Administration CSWRPANZ Center for Sex Work Research and Policy Australia & New Zealand CSWRPASIA Centre for Sex Work Research and Policy Asia CSWRPCAN Centre for Sex Work Research and Policy Canada CSWRPEUR Centre for Sex Work Research and Policy Europe CSWRPUK Centre for Sex Work Research and Policy UK CSWRPUS Center for Sex Work Research and Policy US CTNHR-ALL CTNHR-all CTNHR-HEALTH-SYS CTNHR_Health_Systems CTNHR-HNP CTNHR-HNP CTNHR-MARG-POP CTNHR-marg-pop CTNHR_KT CTNHR_KT CURRENT-MHI-STUDENTS Current-MHI CUTL Certificate in University Teaching and Learning CV-NOTICE Commvault Notifications CZ-ADULT_ROC Cz-Adult ROC CZ-AFP-MEMBERS CZA Distribution List (includes W&O) D1-Canada Canadian Users of Destiny One DAA-BOARD Dalhousie Alumni Assoc. Board of Directors DAAGS DAAGS DAGSS Dalhousie Art Gallery Student Society DAHN-IC Internal lab mailing list DAHN-LAB All Dahn lab members DAHN-POUCH Internal lab mailing list DAL-ATOM-USERS Dalhousie AtoM User Group DAL-BLACK-FACULTY-STAFF Dalhousie Black Faculty & Staff Caucus DAL-BUS-ADMIN-LIST Dal Bus Admin List DAL-COMMUNITY All Dal Faculty and Staff Dal-Deans Dalhousie Deans DAL-FASS-STUDENTS Dal-FASS-students DAL-HEALTH-LEADERSHIP-FORUM Dalhousie Health Leadership Forum DAL-KINGS-CONSERVATIVES dktories DAL-LAW-HABITAT Dal Law Habitat Dal-Local-77 Dal Local 77 DAL-NEWS Dal News DAL-ONLINE-SUPPORT Dal Online Support DAL-SCI-NEWSLETTER-LISTSERV Dal Science E-Newsletter DAL-SKILLSOFT-PARTNERSHIP Dalhousie Skillsoft Partnership DAL-STICKY-NOTES Internal CC List DAL-TRACK LISTNAME dal-track DAL-UNIVERSITY-LIBRARY-COUNCIL Library Council Listserv DAL-WEB-CONTRIBUTORS Dal Web Contributors DALACADMED Dalhousie Academy of Medicine dalca-web-project web project renewal DALCARD-ORIENTATION DalCard-Orientation DALCARD-PRINTING-ISSUES-LIST dalcard-printing DALCARD-UPDATE DalCard Update DALHEALTH-FACULTY DALHEALTH-FACULTY DALHEALTH-STAFF DALHEALTH-STAFF DALHOUSIE-ANTI-PIRACY-PROJECT Piracy Project - Dalhousie Marine Affairs dalhousie-leadership Dalhousie Senior Leadership DALHOUSIE-RESIDENTS Dalhousie Residents DALHOUSIE-TRURO-RESIDENTS Dalhousie Truro Residents DALHOUSIE-WITS Dalhousie WiTS Mailing List DALLAWOC Dal Law Orientation Committee DALMANAGEMENTNEWS Dal Management News DALMGMTALUMNI Dal Management Alumni DALMTS Dalhousie University Marine Technology Society Student Section DALMTS-MEMBERS Dalhousie University Marine Technology Society Student Section Members DALMUN Dalhousie Model United Nations Society DALOT_ALUMNI dalot_alumni DALOUTDOORS Dalhousie Outdoors Society Members DALPLEX Dalplex DALPLEX-FACULTY-STAFF-LISTSERV Dalplex Fall Registration Promo Email DALPLEX-SUMMER-CAMP-LISTSERV Dalplex Summer Camp Emails Summer 2014 DALSPATIAL All things geography and spatial at Dalhousie DALTIGERS Dal Tigers DALTRAC-STUDENTS List of daltrac students DALTRACK-ALUMNI DALTRACK-ALUMNI DALWEB Web Revitalization Project DAL_INTERNAL_MARKETING Dalhousie Internal Department Email Addresses for Marketing DAL_MOBILITY Dal_Mobility DAMS-INTRAMURALS Participants in DAMS Intramural Sports DASM-BANNERINFO HR Banner Distributed Access DATA-ADMIN Data-Admin DBLSA1011 Dal Black Law Students' Association Members DBUG Dalhousie Brio Users Group DCLSA Dalhousie Criminal Law Student Association DCSD-NOTIFICATION Notification of Deceased Individuals DCSI-OC DCSI DCUTL STLHE 2017 Presenters DEAN-FAC Planning Retreat DEANS Deans DEANS-UNIVERSITY-LIBRARIAN Dean's University Librarian Deans2024 Dean's 2024 DEANSOFFICEHLTHPROF Dean's Office - Faculty of Health DEEPSENSE-USERS Users of the DeepSense ocean analytics computing platform DEFERRALS-NR Deferrals-NR DENT-BDH BDH Class List dent-cde Continuing Dental Education DENT-CDE-SENDERS Dentistry CDE Senders DENT-CITRIX Dentistry Citrix Environment dent-dcs-all Dental Clinical Sciences dent-dcs-FT DCS FT Faculty DENT-DDS-ALL DDS Students (All) DENT-DH-ALL DH Students (All) DENT-LABS Dentistry Building Laboratories DENT-RESEARCH Research Faculty DENT-RESIDENTS-ALL Dentistry Residents DEPARTMENT_AND_CLINICAL_HEADS Department and Clinical Heads DFLS-MAILINGLIST Dalhousie Family Law Society Mailing List DFM-AFPFACULTY Family Medicine Halifax AFP Faculty DFM-DEPTSPWG Family Medicine Dept Strategic Plan Working Group DFM-HFXEXEC Family Medicine Halifax Executive Committee DFM-HFXSPWG Family Medicine Halifax Strategic Plan Working Group DFM-HFXSTAFF Family Medicine Halifax Office Staff DFM-MEDED Family Medicine Medical Education Team DFM-NSSITEADMINS Family Medicine NS Site Admins DFM-NSSITEDIRS Family Medicine NS Site Directors DFM-PGSITEADMINS Family Medicine Postgrad Site Admins DFM-PGSITEDIRECTORS Family Medicine Postgrad Site Directors DFM-PORTFOLIOS Family Medicine Portfolio Directors DFM-RECRUITMENT Family Medicine Halifax Recruitment Committee DFM-REGIONALEXEC Family Medicine Regional Executive Committee DFM-UGSITEADMINS Family Medicine Undergrad Site Admins DFM-UGSITEDIRECTORS Family Medicine Undergrad Site Directors DGH-ANES DGH anesthesia group distribution list DHSFS DHSFS DIACOE Dallaire Institute Africa Center of Excellence DIG-CLUSTER-USERS DIG Cluster Users DIHQ Dallaire Institute HQ Staff DIRECTOR-SBA-COMMITTEE SBA Director Committee DISP2009-10 DISP2009-10 students DISP2012-13 The DISP class of 2012 DISP2013-14 DISP 2013-14 DISP2014-15 DISP students 2014-2015 DISP2015-16 Integrated Science Program 2015-2016 listserv DISP2016-17 Integrated Science Program 2016-2017 listserv DIStaff Dallaire Institute Staff DISTED-COMMITTEE Distance Education Committee DIVPHPM Division of Public Health and Preventative Medicine DJIM-L The DJIM Executive Committee List DLI-ATLANTIC Atlantic DLI DLP-PCIDSS_EXTERNAL_MAIL DLP PCIDSS External Mail white list DLS Dalhousie Liberty Society DMAA-ALUMNI DMAA Medical Alumni DMAA-ALUMNI-HRM Invitation DMNB-COMMUNITY DMNB Community list DMNBFACULTY DMNB Faculty DODG DODG research group DOSA-STUDENTS DOSA-STUDENTS DOTSS_OT DOTSS OT Student Society Members DOVS-FACULTY Ophthalmology Faculty List DPMG-AC DPMG AC DPMG-ADM0809 DPMG-ADM0809 DPMGCMTT DPMG Committee Members dpmgconf DPMG Conference DRAC Dalhousie Research Advisory Committee DRAC-ASSISTANTS DRAC Assistants DRAC-DISTRIBUTION DRAC Distribution DRS-AC-ILI-STAFF DRS AC ILI DRS-AC-STAFF DRS AC DRS-ALL-STAFF DRS All DRS-HICKS-BUILDING DRS Hicks DRS-ILI-STAFF DRS ILI DRS-NEWSLISTSERV DRS Newsletter DRUG-REPS Drug Reps DSN Current student communication DSN2 Current student communication pt2 DSN_SUMMER_2011 Student Services DSU-STAFF DSU Full Time Staff DUL-RESOURCES DUL RESOURCES GROUP DUNN-COMPUTER-LAB Dunn Lab DUNSPRES_YEARREPS DUNSPRES_YEARREPS@LISTS.DAL.CA EARTHSCI-DAWSON Dawson Club EARTHSCI-FACULTY Department of Earth Sciences Faculty EARTHSCI-GRADS Graduate students with the Department of Earth Sciences EARTHSCI-RAS Earth Sciences' Research Associates EARTHSCI-SEMINAR Department of Earth Sciences - seminar invitees EARTHSCI-SESSIONALS Earth Sciences' sessionals EARTHSCI-STAFF Earth Sciences - Staff EARTHSCI-UNDERGRADS Undergraduate students taking 2000 level and above ERTH courses ECED-ADJUNCT ECED Adjunct Professors ECED-FACULTY ECED Faculty ECED-FACULTY-VISITORS PDF, Visiting Prof, Visiting Students ECED-GRAD ECED Graduate Students ECED-STAFF ECED Staff ECED-YEAR3 ECED 3rd year students ECED-YEAR4 ECED 4th year students ECONADMIN econadmin ECONGRADSTUDENTS econgradstudents ECONMAJORS econmajors ECONMATTERSNEWSLETTER EconMatters Newsletter EconMinors Economics Minors ECONSEMINAR ECONSEMINAR ECSCE-EMPLOYERS Dal Engineering & Computer Science Co-op Employers ECT-SHOUT SHOUT EDU-TECH Education Technology EECNEWSLETTER EEC Newsletter EES-COVID ERTH & ENVS COVID Announcements EES-FAC EES-FAC EES-GRADS EES-GRADS EES-GRADUANDS EES-Graduands EES-RAS EES-RAS EES-SESSIONAL EES-SESSIONAL EES-STAFF EES-STAFF EES-UGRADS EES-UGRADS ees-ugrads-2023-2024 EES Undergrads 2023-2024 ees-ugrads-2024-2025 EES Undergraduates - 2024/2025 EHS-Updates Environmental Health and Safety Updates ELIZA eliza EMERGENCY-NOTIFICATIONS King's Emergency Notifications EMPLOYERS-NS Employers-NS EMPLOYERS-OTTAWA Employers-Ottawa ENCOPRESIS Pediatric Encopresis List ENEWS-TEST-LIST enews-test-list ENGGRADUATESTUDENTS ENG Graduate Students ENGINCLUSTER Engincluster ENGINEERING-DEPTADMINS Department Admins in Faculty of Engineering ENGINEERING-FACULTY Engineering-Faculty Engineering-Grant_Paid_Employees Engineering Grant Paid Employees ENGINEERING-LOWER Engineering Lower Division Engineering-PDF Engineering PDF Distribution List ENGINEERING-YEAR-1 Engineering Year 1 ENGINEERING-YEAR-2 Engineering-Year-2 ENGINEERING-YEAR-3 Engineering Year 3 ENGINEERING-YEAR-4 Engineering Year 4 ENGLISH-GRAD Department Graduate Students ENGM-DEPT Grad Students ENGNFAC-AC Faculty at AC Engineering ENSG-STAFF Staff of ensg ENTERPRISE-INFOSILEM Enterprise ENVIROCLUSTER Envirocluster ENVIRONMENTAL-RACISM-LIST Listserv for Environmental Noxiousness, Racial Inequities & Community Health Project (ENRICH) ENVS-ugrads ENVS-ugrads EPAF-USERS EPAF USERS EPORTFOLIO ePortfolio Equity-Policies-Review Self-Identified Equity-Denied ERG empirical research group EVENTS-STAFF Events-Staff-Dalplex EXCLUDED-ADMINISTRATORS Audio Visual Services EXECED-IMP Executive Education for IMP Group EXPERIENTIALLEARNINGDAL ExperientialLearningDal EXPERIENTIALLEARNINGNS ExperientialLearningNSexternal FA-NON-ACAD-STAFF Faculty of Agriculture Non Academic Staff FABLIST Feminist Approaches to Bioethics FACILITY-MANAGERS Facility Managers Faculty-Arts-Social-Science Teams phone project - FASS Faculty-Arts-SocialSciences FASS faculty and staff email list Faculty-missing-MFA Missing faculty to enroll MFA FACULTY-OF-ENGINEERING Distribution List FACULTY-OF-SCIENCE-PROFS Profs, Instructors & LTAs for Faculty of Science FACULTY-SURVEY-2013 Faculty Survey 2013 FACULTY-SURVEY-APRIL-2010 Faculty Survey for DISC - April 2010 FALL-2014-DALPLEX-FAC-STAFF-LIST Fall 2014 Dal Faculty and Staff Emailer FAMIS_USERS FAMIS-Users-Distribution-List FASS-Admins List of FASS Admin coordinators and staff FASS-Chairs-Coordinators List of FASS Chairs, Coordinators, Directors FASS-convocation FASS graduating students FASS-important-notices FASS important notices FASS-STUDENTS FASS Students FASS-undergrads All FASS undergraduate students FASS_FIRST_YEAR first year FASS students FASS_grad_students FASS grad students FEM-PROF Feminist Professors FENWICK-STUDENT-LIST Fenwick FH-POSTDOCS Faculty of Health Postdocs FHP-IPHE FHP IPHE FHPSTAFF FHP Staff FILE No title defined FIN-AccountsPayable FIN-AccountsPayable FIN-AVPOffice FIN-AVPOffice FIN-BudgetOffice FIN-BudgetOffice FIN-ControllersOffice FIN-ControllersOffice FIN-Payroll Payroll Team FIN-PrintingServices FIN-PrintingServices FIN-Procurement FIN-Procurement FIN-Research-SpecialPurpAcc FIN-Research-SpecialPurpAcc FIN-StudentAccounts FIN-StudentAccounts FIN-Systems-Information FIN-Systems-Information FIN-Treasury-Investments FIN-Treasury-Investments FIN-Unit-Administrators FIN-Unit-Administrators FIN-UnitHeads Unit Heads (ie. Dean, VP, AVP, Director) FINANCE-BANNER finance-banner FINANCE-USEXCHANGERATE USD Exchange Rate in Banner FINASSETS Financial Services FIRST-YEAR-MREM MREMFirst FIRSTYEAR-SCIENCE First-year Bachelor of Science Students FIRSTYEARBMGMT First Year BMgmt students FMSC Family Medicine Specialty Committee FO-Arch-Planning Faculty and Staff Members FoM-Accountancy-Dept FoM Accountancy Department FOM-AGC faculty of management area group coordinators FoM-All-Departments FoM Departments FOM-ALUMNI-OTTAWA ALUMNI ADVISORY - OTTAWA FoM-Dean-Office FoM Dean's Office FoM-Dean-Strategic-Advisors Dean's Strategic Advisors FoM-Dept-Chairs FoM Department Chairs FoM-Finance-DEPT FoM Finance Department FoM-GSS FoM Graduate Student Services FoM-Info-Science-DEPT FoM Information Science Department FoM-Lead-Org-dept FoM Leadership & Organization Dept FoM-Marketing-Dept FoM Marketing Dept FoM-MSIS-Dept FoM MSIS Dept FoM-Prog-Dir FoM Program Directors FoM-PTA-Fall FoM Part time instructors-Fall FoM-PTA-Summer FoM Part time instructors FoM-PTA-Winter FoM Part time instructors - Winter FoM-Public-Int-Affairs-Dept FoM Public and Int. Affairs FOM-RESEARCHERS Researches in the Faculty of Management FoM-Strat-Entrep-Int-Buss-Dept FoM Strategic Entrepreneurship & Int. Business Dept. FoM-Student-Society FoM Student Society Leaders FOMADMIN For administration communications in the fom FoM_Grad_Students All grad students in FoM FoM_MSc_PhD MSc and PhD students in Faculty of Management FOOD-SERVICES-OFFICE-STAFF Food Services Office Staff FOOTPRINTS-ITS-USERS-GROUP Notify footprints users Former-Dal-Professors MFA enrolment for Former DAL professors FOS-DEPT-SECRETARIES FoS Dept Secretaries FOS-PTA-LTA-LISTSERVER Faculty of Science PTA and LTA Listserver FRIENDS-OF-THE-SCHOOL Dalhousie SPA Contacts FRONT-DESK-SUPERVISORS Front-Desk-Supervisors GANS-INDUSTRY-GOVERNMENT-ACADEMI GANS -NSERC Consultation for Industry and Government GE3LS GE3LS: Events, opportunities, and updates GEM-LAB GEM-LAB GENJUR2006 general jurisprudence GEOPHYSICS Dalhousie Geophysics Group GERARD-STUDENT-LIST Gerard GET_TXT_LISTS No title defined GIFT_ADDITIONAL_NOTICE Online giving additional notification GIS-USERS GIS-Users GKIHS General Members GLENGARY-STUDENT-LIST Glengary GLIDERTEAM Glider Team GRAD-STUDIES-COMMITTEE Grad Studies Committee GradClass-COP GradClass GRADCOORDS FGS List of Graduate Coordinators GRADHOUSE gradhouse GradStudents-ENGM ENGM - Grad Students GRADUATES-2008 Graduates 2008_ni GSIS-WF-TESTING Workflow Testing Email List for FGS GVHCI-Cluster Graphics, Visualization, and HCI Research Cluster GVLAB GVLab GWST1015-INST GWST 1015 Instructional Staff HAHP-Faculty Health and Human Performance Faculty HAHP-GRAD Health and Human Performance Grads HAHP-UG-2022-23 HAHP UG students 22/23 HALIFAX-EMPLOYEES Halifax Employees HALL-Members Halifax Association of Law Libraries HARBOURHEALTH Harbour Health Partners HBIC2-HLIC2 No title defined HCAS_SYSTEMS Systems Group HEALTH_ASSESSMENT Health Assessment HELSINKIDISC Declaration of Helsinki Discussion Group HF-INTERPROF-ED Health Faculties - Interprofessional Education HFXFMCHIEF Halifax Family Medicine Chief Residents HH-BRONSON-STUDENT-LIST Bronson HH-CAMERON-STUDENT-LIST Cameron HH-FOUNTAIN-STUDENT-LIST Fountain HH-HENDERSON-STUDENT-LIST Henderson HH-STUDLEY-STUDENT-LIST Studley HHPFAC No title defined HI-SEMINAR Health Informatics Seminar Distribution Group HISTORY-OF-SCIENCE History of Science HLI Health Law Institute HOTM Getting to the Heart of the Matter Community HOWE howe HOWE-HALL-STAFF Howe Hall Staff HPC HPC HPC-SUPPORT HPC Support HR-DATASTEWARDS HR Data Stewards hr-focus-group HR Focus Group HR-I-TEAM HR Integration Team HR-WEBSITE HR Website Requests HR-WORKFLOW-TESTING Workflow Testing List HR152 Human Resources HRACADEMIC hracademic hrcognos-analysts HR Cognos Analysts HRDPMG hrdpmg HSHS-BOARD-OF-DIRECTORS HSHS Board of Directors IBM-Alumni IB&M-ALUMNI IBM-LISTSERVE Indigenous Blacks & Mi'kmaq Initiative IBM-Students IB&M-STUDENTS ICCEP ICCEP IDCONFDAL The Crossing Boundaries Conference's list IDENTITY Identity Workshop IE-GRAD Graduate students enrolled in Industrial Engineering IE-SEMINAR IE Seminar email list IE85 Tech Industrial Engineering Class of 85 IE89 IE Class of 1989 IEFACULTY IE Faculty and Staff IENG-ADJUNCTFACULTY IE Adjunct/Faculty IENG-SENIORS Senior IE Students IENG-Y3 IENG Year 3 Students IENG-Y4 Year 4 IE Students IENG-Y5 Year 5 IE Students IEOC-JB IEOC-JB IESINHEALTHCARE Industrial Engineers working in Health Care IFISHERIES iFisheries Lab IHRAC-COMMITTEE IHRAC Committee ILAB iLab INDIGENOUSAC Indigenous Advisory Council List INFOINTERATION InfoInteraction INFORMATION-LITERACY-CAMTASIA-QU Information Literacy/Camtasia Questions INSIGHT Insight Ezine INT-FEM-TAX international feminist tax INT-FEMINISMS International Feminist List INTERNATIONAL-CENTRE-TEAM International Centre Team INTERNATIONAL-TAX International Tax List INTERNS-NS Interns-NS INTERNS-OTTAWA Interns-Ottawa INTERNS2007 Interns2007 INTERNSHIP-ANNOUNCEMENT SPA Interns INTERN_SUPERVISORS Internship Supervisors INTLCLUSTER Intlcluster IR-COMMITTEE Institutional Repository Committee ISSOTL_CANADA ISSOTL Canada IT-COORDINATORS Distributed IT Staff (non-ITS) ITAG Dal Libraries Instructional Technologies Advisory Group ITIL ITIL ITIL-ATL ITIL Group for Higher Ed Atlantic ITS-CSIOPS ITS Client Services and Infrastructure Operations ITS-DIRECTORS ITS-Directors ITS-ETS ITS - ETS Windows Servers ITS-EXTENDED-MANAGERS its-extended managers ITS-HOUSE its-house ITS-LABS ITS Lab Staff ITS-MANAGERS ITS Managers ITS-Service-Delivery ITS Service Delivery Team ITS-SOLE-MATES ITS Walktober Sole Mates Listserv ITS-Staff-1312_1322-Robie Staff located at 1312 and 1322 Robie ITS-STUDENTS-DENTISTRY Dentistry ITS Student Staff ITS-SYSTEMS ITS Systems Team IWB-COMMITTEE IWB Committee J2001 Journalism 2001 JAMAICA-HRH-STEERING-COMMITTEE Jamaica HRH Steering Committee JD-MBA JD/MBA Students JD-STUDENTS JD JOBLIST Employment Opportunities JOBPOSTINGS Human Resources Job Postings JOBPOSTINGS_EXTERNAL Job Postings For Externals JOUR-students JOUR students KELLOGG-LIBRARY News and Updates KILLAM-LIBRARY-SERVICE-POINT Killam Library Service Point KINGS-FACULTYMEETING Kings Faculty Meeting KJ-CNF kj-CNF KJ-INV kj-INV KJ-MFA-ALUMNI MFA Graduates KJ-MFA-MENTORS-1 MFA-MENTORS KJ-MFAFACULTY MFA Faculty KJ-MJ MJ Students KJ-MJ-01 Masters of Journalism - First Year KJ-ONLINEFEATURES Online Features KJ-PRO Contract faculty kj-swap Department Faculty (full) KOLEILAT-GROUP Koleilat Research Group Email List KSSP Kellogg Single Service Point LANGLAB Language and Literacy Lab LAURA-PHILLIPS Supervisor LAW-ALL Superlist covering Law School groups LAW-FSLC FSLC LAW-MULTIDISCIPLINARY Law MultiDisciplinary List LAW-SCHULICH Superlist covering Law School groups LAW-WELDON Superlist covering Law School groups LAWDEANS Canadian Law Deans LAWFRENCH Club des étudiantes et étudiants de jurisprudence d'expression française de Dalhousie LAWGAMES Dalhousie Law Games Team 2008 LAWGRAD Dal Law Grad LAWGRAD-ALUMNI Law Grad Alumni LAWSTUDENTGOVS National Law Student Governments Mailing List LAW_NEWS Schulich School of Law News & Events LCC LCC LEADERSHIP-NZ-CLASS LEADERSHIP-NZ CLASS Leavemanagement Leave Management Communication LGBT_ARCHIVE_CACMEMBERS CAC Members - LGBT Seniors Archive LIBRARIES-STAFF Communications to Libraries Staff LISTSERV-OWNERS Changed lists from "Public" to "Private" LITS ATS Departmental List LIVEHELP-PROVIDERS LiveHelp_Providers LOCKERS_SOT LOCKER RENTALS SOT LONG acops LONGITUDINAL Longitudinal Experiences in Medical Education LORI-COACHING-GROUP Lori's Coaching Group for Y1 PD LSC-LOADING_DOCK-DISCUSSION_GROU A forum to discuss the LSC dock facilities. LSS-YEAR1-A 1L-A LSS Listserv LSS-YEAR1-B 1L-B LSS Listserv LSS-YEAR1-C 1L-C LSS Listserv LSS-YEAR2 2L LSS Listserv LSS-YEAR3 3L LSS Listserv LTTRWRTRS letterwriters m365changing Dalhousie Microsoft 365 Services are Changing M365Licensing-A1 M365Licensing-A1Licensing Changes M365Licensing-FF M365Licensing-FF Licensing Changes M365Licensing-PA M365Licensing-PA Licensing Changes M365Licensing-RS M365Licensing-RS Licensing Changes MAILINGADDRESS Employee Missing MA Address MANAGEMENT-ALUMNI Management Alumni MANAGEMENTGRAD2009 managementgrad2009 MANAGEMENTGRAD2010 Management Graduates 2010 MANAGEMENTGRAD2011 Management Graduates 2011 MANAGEMENTGRAD2012 Management Grad 2012 MANAGEMENTGRAD2013 Management Grad 2013 MANAGEMENTGRAD2014 Management Grad 2014 MAP-PIRACY Piracy Project - Dalhousie Marine Affairs MAPP Mindfulness and Acceptance in Pediatric Pain MARI3090 MARI 3090 students MARINEAFFAIRS Marine Affairs alumni and associates Markers-TA Markers/TA mathfac-mathstat mathfac mathgrad-mathstat mathgrad mathhonours-mathstat mathhonours mathstat-faculty mathstat-faculty mathstat-grads mathstat-grads MBA-ALUMNI-2011 MBA Alum MBA-NS Alumni Advisories MBAFACULTY MBA Faculty List 2006-07 MBAONTARIO MBA Ontario Prospects MBAPROSPECTS MBA Prospectives MBA_ALUM_CALGARY MBA Alumni Calgary MBA_ALUM_EDMONTON MBA Alumni Edmonton MBA_ALUM_TORONTO MBA Alumni Toronto MCI-SUR An on-line discussion Group MCQ-EDITORIAL-BOARD MCQ Editorial Board MCS-EMPLOYER-SATL MSC Employers in Atlantic Canada MCSNEWSLETTER MCS Newsletter List MCS_ALUMNI_ALL ALL MCS Alumni MCS_ALUM_OTTAWA Ottawa Alumni MCS_EMPLOYERS_ALL MCS Employers All MCS_EMPLOYERS_ATL MSC Employers in Atlantic Canada MCS_EMPLOYER_NS MCS Employers-NS MDCC APICS Membership Development and Communications ME-COOP MECH Co-op Students ME-PDF Mechanical Engineering Post Docs ME-SENIOR Mechanical Engineering Senior Students ME-SESSIONALS Current Sessional Instructors ME-UG Mechanical Engineering Undergrad Students ME-YEAR2 Year 2 MECH students ME-YEAR3 Mechanical Engineering Students in Year 3 MECHENGLECTURERS Mech Eng Lecturers MED-2021-ALL Medicine Class of 2021 (All) MED-2021-NSONLY Medicine Class of 2021 (Nova Scotia only) MEDICAL-HUMANITIES Medical Humanities MEDP-FACULTY Medical Physics Faculty MEMBERS-WATERPOLO Dalhousie Water Polo - All Members MENTORS Dalhousie MPA Mentors MENTORS-CRNF MENTORS OF THE WPUB CREATIVE NONFICTION PROGRAM MENTORS-FICN MENTORS OF THE FICTION WPUB PROGRAM MESALUM MESALUM MFA-2020 MFA class of 2020 MFA-2021 MFA-2021 MFA-2022 MFA-2022 MFA-2023 MFA-2023 MFA-2024 MFA-2024 MFA-2025 MFA-2025 CRNF MFA-2025-FICN MFA-2025 FICN MFA-2026-CRNF MFA-2026-CRNF MFA-2026-FICN MFA-2026-FICN MFA_missing_retirees MFA enrollment MGMT-SCI_INFO-SYS Management Science & Information Systems MGMT_ALUM_TORONTO Management Alumni Toronto MHA-STUDENTS MHA Student List MHI-ALUMNI Alumni Members MHRG MHRG MICROBIOME Microbiome MINIRES-STUDENT-LIST Minires MIRROR Mirror MIRROR-ADMIN OSS Mirror Admin Discussion MLSA-LISTS-DAL-CA Multidisciplinary Law Students Association (MLSA MLSA-MEMBERS MLSA List MOBILITY-INFO Mobility Distribution List MPA-3 Part-time MPA, joint program MPA-ALUMNI MPA Alumni MPA-GRADUATE-LIST Graduate List MPA-LLB-JD-ALUMNI Joint Law MPA Alumni MPA-NS-ALUMNI NS Alumni MPA-ONTARIO-ALUMNI MPA ON Alum MPA-OTTAWA-ALUMNI Ottawa Alumni MPA MPA-Teaching-Faculty MPA Faculty MPA-TORONTO-ALUMNI Alumni in Toronto MPA-UNCONFIRMED NR-MPA MPABUDDIES MPA Buddies MPAM-GRADUATES MPAM Graduates MPAM-Students MPAM Students MPAM-Teaching-Faculty MPAM Faculty MPLAN-2016 Master Of Planning 2016 MPLAN1 MPlan1 MPLAN2-MPS 2nd year Master of Planning Students MPLAN2009 MPlan 2009 MPLAN2010 MPLAN2010 MPLAN2011 MPLAN2011 MPLAN2012 MPLAN2012 MPLAN2013 MPLAN2013 List MPLAN2014 MPLAN 2014 MPLAN2015 MPLAN2015 MPLAN2016 MPLAN 2016 MREMALUM MREM Alumni MSCN_STUDENTS2023_2024 MScN Students 2023-2024 Academic Year MSCOS_OT_MARKETING Marketing Email List MScOS MScRR-incoming Incoming MScRR PT students MSW-6415-FIELD-2013-14 MSW 6415 Field Placement 2013-14 MSW-FIELD-2014-15 MSW Field 2014-15 MSW-FIELD-2015-16 SW-Field-2015-16 MSW-FIELD-2016-17 msw-field-2016-17 MSW-FIELD-6415-2013-14 MSW Field SLWK 6415 2013-14 MSW-HALIFAX-FOUNDATION-YEAR_2020 MSW-Halifax-Foundation-Year_2020 MSW-NATIONAL-10 MSW National 10 MSW-NATIONAL-11 MSW National 11 MSW-NATIONAL-12 MSW National 12 MSW-NATIONAL-14 MSW National 2014 MSW-NATIONAL-15 MSW-NATIONAL-15 MSW-NATIONAL-16 MSW-National-16 MSW-NATIONAL-17 MSW-NATIONAL-17 MSW-NATIONAL-19 MSW-NATIONAL MSW-NATIONAL-20 MSW-NATIONAL-20 MSW-NATIONAL-21 MSW-NATIONAL-21 MSW-NATIONAL-QYR12 MSW Qualifying Year, Cohort 12 MSW-NATIONAL-QYR13 MSW Qualifying Year Cohort 13 MSW-NATIONAL6 MSW National6 MSW-NATIONAL7-LIST MSW National7 List MSW-NATIONAL8 MSW-National 8 MSW-QYR-NATIONAL Qualifying Year Students (BSW-level courses) MUNICIPAL_CHAIR_GROUP Municipal Chair Group MWB Management Without Borders MWB-2013 MGMT 5000 Management Without Borders MWB_ETHICS MWB Student Ethics Initiative MWB_MBA MWB_MBA Students MWB_MLIS MWB_MLIS Students MWB_MPA MWB_MPA Students MWB_SRES Management Without Borders_SRES Students MYCAREER-MGMT myCareer Management Group MYHEALTHATWORK My Health at Work N5620-ADULTS N5620-Adults NCM-13-MAIL NCM-13 mail list NEW-STUDENTS New students to Dalhousie NEW-STUDENTS-2016 New Students 2016 NEWPROFS New Professors NICHE-GROUP The mailing list of the NICHE Research Group NICHE-RESEARCHERS Meetings and News nitrogen The Algar Buchwald Nitrogen Biogeochemisty Lab NNCE-EMAIL-LISTSERVE NNCE Email Listserve NON-ACADEMIC-VISA-EXPIRY Non-Academic Visa Expiry NONACADEMICVISAEXPIRY Non-Academic Visa Expiry NORTH-END-MATTERS-LIST North End Matters Online Talk Show notsonewprofs Newish Profs NOVANET-ANALYTICS Novanet Analytics List NP-Faculty Nurse Practitioner Faculty Members NP-PRECEPTORS NP Preceptors NP2006 Nurse Practitioner 2006 NS-CHABAC-HUB Nova Scotia Canadian HIV/AIDS African Caribbean Black (CHABAC) Hub NS-CS-HEADS Nova Scotia CS Heads NSACCOMMS NSAC Dal Merger Communications NSALUM NSALUM NSDEPUTYMINISTERS NS Deputy Ministers NSREC Nova Scotia Renewable Energy Consultation NS_INTERNS NS Interns NS_SUPERVISORS NS Supervisors NTE-EVENTS NTE Events NURS-Staff NURS Staff NURS-Staff-Admin NURS Staff Admin NURS5060-LIST nurs5060-list NURS5200 NURS5200 NURS5485 NURS5485 NURSINGALUMNI nursingalumni NURSING_FACULTY School of Nursing Faculty NURS_ADJUNCTS School of Nursing current adjuncts NURS_FAC_STAFF School of Nursing Faculty and Staff NURS_SESSIONALS_WINTER Nursing Winter Sessionals NWA-BCP NWA-BCP OBRIEN-STUDENT-LIST OBH OCCU2000-3500 OCCU 2000&3500 - 2017-2020 OCEAN-ADJUNCTS * OCEAN-ADJUNCT_SCHOLARS ADJUNCT SCHOLARS OCEAN-ALUMNI * OCEAN-CURRENT-FACULTY_MEMBERS ACTIVE FACULTY MEMBERS OCEAN-DEPT-MEETING Ocean department meetings OCEAN-FACULTY * OCEAN-GRANT-PAID Oceanography Grant-Paid Workers OCEAN-ONSITE * OCEAN-OTHER No title defined OCEAN-PDF OCEAN Listserv OCEAN-RESEARCH-STAFF * OCEAN-SEMINAR ocean-seminar OCEAN-STUDENTS No title defined OCEAN-SUPERVISORS Student Supervisors OCEAN-UG-STUDENTS Ocean Science Students OCEANS-AT-DALHOUSIE Oceans at Dalhousie OCEANS2 Oceans #2 OCT-DALPLEXMEMBERENEWS October Dalplex e-news bulletin email list OCTOBER-INFOSESSION MPA Info Session Attendees OFFICE_OF_SUSTAINABILITY Office of Sustainability OFI-RIU OFI RIU OFIExecutive OFIExecutive OLCD-Newsletter Open Learning Newsletter ONE45-DALHOUSIE one45 Dalhousie Users Group OPEN-HOUSE-EXPO Open House EXPO Exhibitors OPHTHALMOLOGY_EVENTS Ophthalmology Events (Dept-wide) mailing list OPHTHALMOLOGY_GRAND_ROUNDS OPHTHALMOLOGY GRAND ROUNDS OR-COMMITTEE Dalhousie Student Orientation Committee ORANGE Orange Team ORGCODE-LEVEL1 Level 1 Org Code Change Notification ORGCODE-LEVEL2 Level 2 Org Code Change Notification ORIENTATIONFG Orientation Focus Group OSE-DEPT Office of Strategic Engagement Distribution list OTN Ocean-Tracking-Network OTTAWA-INTERNS Ottawa Interns OTTAWA-MANAGERS Internship Ottawa Managers OT_ALTERNATE OT OT_CLASS-OF-2013 Occupational Therapy Class of 2013 OT_CLASS-OF-2014 Occupational Therapy Class of 2014 OT_CLASS-OF-2015 Occupational Therapy Class of 2015 OT_CLASS-OF-2016 OT Class of 2016 OT_CLASS-OF-2017 OT students in class of 2017 OT_CLASS-OF-2018 OT students in class of 2018 OT_CLASS-OF-2019 OT students in class of 2019 OT_CLASS-OF-2020 OT students in class of 2020 OT_CLASS-OF-2025 OT_CLASS-OF-2025 OT_CLASS-OF-2026 OT_CLASS-OF-2026 OT_EQUITY-COMMITTEE OT EQUITY COMMITEE OT_FACULTY-AND-STAFF All faculty and staff of Occupational Therapy OT_FULLTIME_FACULTY OT School Faculty OT_MScOS OT MSc Occupational Science OT_PHD_STUDENTS OT PhD Students OT_PP_STUDENTS OT Post-Professional Current Students OT_STAFF OT Staff OT_TUTORS OT_Tutors OUT_OF_PROV_INTERNS Out Of Province Interns OUT_OF_PROV_SUPERVISORS Out Of Province Supervisors OVPSA Office of the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs P-12-SCIENCE P-12_Science/MathTeachers PAF-MEMBERS PAF Members PCard-Submit Visa Card Holders PCIRN PHAC/CIHR Influenza Research Network PCIRN-PROJECT-MANAGERS PCIRN Project Managers PDC The Planning & Design Centre List PDF Postdoctoral Fellows PDG-WORKSHOP-1 Online Pandemic Workshop PEDIATRIC-PAIN Pediatric-Pain List PEDS-GROUP Distribution List for PEDS PEDSFACDEVCAN Pediatric Faculty Development Idea Sharing PEDS_ROC PEDs ROC PENG Mr. PE_COP Public Engagement Community of Practice PHD-NURSING-STUDENTS PhD-Nursing-Students PHDHEALTH-FACULTY PhD Health Program Faculty Members PHILFAC Philosophy Faculty Email List PHILGRAD Philosophy Graduate Student List PHYS-STUDY-GROUP Halifax Physics Interest Group physics-dept-search Physics Department Search Physics_Sessional Physics Sessional PHYSIOLOGY-BIOPHYSICS Physiology & Biophysics Faculty PHYSIOLOGY-BIOPHYSICS-STAFF staff and research assistants PHYSIOLOGYBIOPHYSICSCROSSAPPTMTS Cross appointments PHYSIOLOGYBIOPHYSICSFACULTY Core faculty PHYSIOLOGYBIOPHYSICSGRADSTUDENTS Graduate Students PKP_ACTIVES Phi Kappa Pi - Actives PLAN-ALUM Plan Alumni List PLANCONF Planning Conference Team PLANNING-METHOD-B-LIST FirstYearUndergradPlanning PLANNINGMODULE School of Planning Conference Module PLG-L PLG-L POLI-SCI-ALUMNI Political Science alumni POLIGRADS Dalhousie Graduate Society of Political Science POLISCI-FAC Political Science Faculty POLISCI-MA Current Political Science MA Students POLISCI-PHD Current Political Science PhD Students POLISCIFACULTY Polisci Faculty List POLITICAL-SCIENCE-GRADUATE-STUDE Political Science Graduate Students POMSS POMSS POTENTIAL-MPA-STUDENTS Potential MPA Students PRE-DENTAL-STUDENT-SOCIETY Pre-Dental Student Society PRE-RETIREMENT Pre-Retirement Planning Seminars invitation PRESIDENT-VPS-ASSOCIATE-VPS President, VP's, Associate VP's PRIMARY-LTA-PTA Primary with LTA and PTA PRODUCTIVITY-CLUB PRODUCTIVITY-CLUB@LISTS.DAL.CA PROSPECTUS-L Prospectus Commitee email list PROVOST Provost & VP Academic provost-exec Provost Exec PROVOST-OFFICE Academic Profession and the Knowledge Society (APIKS) Survey PSSA PSSA PSSA-MEMBERS PSSA plan members pta-mathstat pta-mathstat PTMATTERS PT Matters PT_ALTERNATE School of Physiotherapy alternate email addresses PT_CLINIC_STAFF Physio Clinic PT_FACULTY-STAFF-INSTRUCTORS School of Physiotherapy Staff, Faculty and Instructors PT_FULLTIME-FACULTY School of Physiotherapy Faculty PT_MSCPPRR-AND-PHD School of Physiotherapy Thesis Grad Students PT_STAFF School of Physiotherapy Staff QUALITATIVE-LIST No title defined QUEER-EMPIRE Queer-Empire List QUEER-SALON queersalon R-USERS Help list for R users R25-SECURITY-REPORT R25 Security Report RADIOLOGY Faculty of Dentistry Radiology Listserv RADIOLOGYFELLOWSHIP Dalhousie University Radiology Fellowship Program RADSICK Radiology Sick Time Notices RALSTON-HOUSE Ralston House RALSTON-RESLIFE Ralston ResLife RC-PROGRAM-ADMINS Royal College Program Administrators RC-PROGRAM-DIRECTORS Royal College Program Directors RCP_CPPC rcp-cppc READTOME Read-to-Me-News RECENT-SUPERVISORS emails of last five years of supervisors RECENTGRADUATES Recent Graduates REDCAP-ADMIN REDCap Administration REFWORKS-USERS Dalhousie RefWorks Users REGISTARS RegiStars summer softball team REPORTINGTECHNIQUES Email list for instructors in Reporting Techniques RESEARCH-DUFFY DISCUSSION FORUM INTE 7100 RESEARCH-NOTICES Research Notices RESEARCH_GROUP Research Group RESHOUSES-STUDENT-LIST Reshouses RESIDENCE-EDUCATION-CO-ORDINATOR Residence-Education-Co-ordinator RESILIENCE_PROJECT Resilience Project - Discussion Group RESLIFE-STAFF All Residence Life Staff Members RETENTIONCOMMITTEE Distribution list for the Retention Subcommittee RETHINK Rethink Updates from the Office of Sustainability retirees-mathstat-list Retired professors in Mathstat department RISLEY risley RLS-2015-2016 Residence Life Staff 2015/16 RLS-STAFF-2019-2020 RLS-Staff 2019-2020 RLS-STAFF-2020-2021 RLS-STAFF-2020-2021 RMIVOLUNTEERS RMI Volunteer Focus Group RN-Prescribing RN Prescribing Certificate Students RO-ADMISSIONS RO Admissions RO-ALL-STAFF RO All Staff RO-DAC RO-DAC List RO-FRONT-COUNTER RO front counter RO-LETTERS RO-letters RO-LMP RO LMP Staff RO-MANAGERS RO-Managers RO-MBSPECIAL Mairead's Going Away Party RO-PROCESSING RO processing RO-RECRUITERS RO recruiters RO-SOCIAL RO-Social RO-SPECIAL RO Special List RO-STAFF RO Staff RO-STUDENT-SUPERVISORS RO Student Supervisors RO-STUDENTS RO-Students RO-TRANSFER-CREDITS RO Transfer Credits ROOMADMINS Room Administrators-Campus Bookings RRC-CONFERENCE Pathways to Resilience II: A Social Ecology of Resilience Conference RSB-NONTEN RSB Non-tenured faculty RSB-PT Part-time RSB faculty RSBVotingMembers RSB Voting Members SA-LEADERSHIP-TEAM SA Leadership Team SABLEALERT Sable Island Instrument Alert SABLENOTIFY Sable Island Notification SAIL Dal Sailing SALSA S.A.L.S.A. List SARS-USERS SARS Users SBA-ALUMNI-TORONTO SBA Alumni Advisories Toronto SBAFAC-PT SBA Faculty - PT SCIADMINS Fac of Sci Dept'l Administrators SCICLUSTER Scicluster SCIENCESTUDENTS-FOS Science Student Newsletter SCS-FULL-STAFF SCS Full-Staff SCS-MANAGERS SCS Managers SCSD-faculty SCSD Faculty Announcements SCSD-students SCSD Student Announcements SEAMLESS_CARE_IPE_JOURNAL Seamless Care IPE Journal Club SEASIDE SEASIDE-Biology SEASIDE-APPLICANTS Seaside Applicants SEGELBERG-MEETING Attendees for 2011 SEGELBERG-NOTICE-LIST Segelberg Lectures Series List SEM-1_BSCN SEM-1 UG Students (Halifax) SEM-2_BSCN SEM-2 UG Students (Halifax) SEM-4_BSCN SEM-4 UG Students (Halifax) SEM-5_BSCN SEM-5 UG Students (Halifax) SEM-6_BSCN SEM-6 UG Students (Halifax) SEM-7_BSCN SEM-7 UG Students (Halifax) SEM-8_BSCN SEM-8 UG Students (Halifax) SEMESTER-2-BSCN-UG-HALIFAX Semester 2 BScN Students SERVICE-DELIVERY-TEAM Service-Delivery-Team SES-UNIFORUM Dalhousie Uniforum Service Excellence Survey SEX-HEALTH-COINVESTIGATORS Sexual Health Services Research Project Coinvestigators SEXTANT-CONTRIBUTORS Sextant Contributors SEXTANT-SUBSCRIBERS The Dalhousie Sextant SEXTON-LIBRARY Sexton Library News SEXTONCONSTRUCTIONUPDATE Sexton Construction Update List SH-ANNEX-STUDENT-LIST Annex SH-NEWCOME-STUDENT-LIST Newcombe SH-NEWEDDY-STUDENT-LIST Neweddy SH-OLDEDDY-STUDENT-LIST Oldeddy SHERRIFF Shirreff Hall Student List SHERRIFF-HALL-STAFF Sherriff Hall Staff SIM-Jobs SIM Jobs List SIMSAEXEC-L SIMSA Executive email list SIMSUMMER SIMSummer SITS Scientists and Innovators in the Schools SLAEXEC-L Executive Officers of SLA Chapter SMARTY-PANTS Smarty Pants SMITH-STUDENT-LIST Smith SOCCER-AT-DAL For soccer players at Dalhousie SOCIALMEDIA Dalhousie Social Media Group SON-ADJUNCT-FACULTY SON Adjunct Faculty SON-DEPT The works of School of Nursing SON-LOCKERS School of Nursing Locker Rentals SOP-FACULTY SCHOOL OF PLANNING Faculty and Sessionals SoP-FULLTIME-FACULTY-STAFF SoP-FULLTIME-FACULTY-STAFF SoPCurrentSessionals Current School of Planning Sessionals SOSA-DEPT The SOSA Department SOSASTUDENTS SOSA students SPA-POTENTIAL-GRADUATES Potential Graduates SPARESSG sparessg SPOR-COMMUNITY mails for the public community SRES-FACULTY SRESFaculty SRESSEMINARS SRES Seminar Series Mailing List SRESSTUDENTS SRES Students SRM-DEPT Student Recruitment & Marketing Team SSCAC Student Success Centre - Agricultural Campus SSHRC-RESEARCHERS Patricia Drake SSW-STAFF SSW- staff listserv Staff-FoM Faculty of Management - Staff STAFF-RETREAT Planning Retreat StansLab Students, Postdocs and Research Assistants statfac-mathstat statfac statgrad-mathstat statgrad STATS Stats Support statsem-mathstat statsem-mathstat STLHE-PROPOSALS Dalhousie Faculty structure Structure committee, FOM STSWG Science and Technology Studies Working Group STUDENT-AFFAIRS Student Affairs Division STUDENT-MEMO-CC Staff cc list for student memos Students-MFA Students MFA sign up deadline STUDENTS-SUMMER All returning Dalhousie students summer list STUDENTS-SUMMER-2020 Student list for Summer 2020 SUF2008 SUF08 SUMMER06 Faculty of law at Dalhousie social activities SUMMERALL Summerall SUMMERCSO Summercso SUMMERHOWE Summerhowe SUMMERPHYC SUMMERPHYC@LISTS.DAL.CA SUMMERRISLEY Summerrisley SUMMERSUPERVISORS Summersupervisors SUST1000 Student List for Sust 1000 SUSTAINDAL SustainDal SYSTEMS Systems SYSTEMS-RO Systems RO TAL-FOH Teaching and Learning - 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