Description: This is a list of all Dal Employees over the age of 45 who Description: are being invited to a series of workshops being held by Description: Talent Management for retirement planning
PHILFAC Philosophy Faculty Email List
Description:a listserv solely for interdepartmental philosophy email communication.
This template creates the "classic" public discussion list. Typically it will have public archives, anyone can send to it (including non-subscribers), and replies will go back to the list. Only list owners may review the list of subscribers. This template has the lowest level of security validation - the only thing that requires a password is a list PUT. See chapter 2 in the List Owner's Manual for more information.
PDF Postdoctoral Fellows
Description:Current postdoctoral fellows
PDC The Planning & Design Centre List
Description:The Planning and Design Centre is an organization that makes planning and design visible and open to discussion. The Centre sees planning and design as a collaborative enterprise and acts as a think tank that brings together the public, the business community, the development industry and different levels of government for a tangible purpose.
To keep this list the best possible place to discuss planning and design in HRM, we ask that you take the time to visit the following link to review the rules for use of the list.
Description:The Progressive Librarians Guild: A student organization within Dalhousie's School of Information Management.
Physics_Sessional Physics Sessional
Email list for sessional instructors and staff
PLANNING-METHOD-B-LIST FirstYearUndergradPlanning
physics-dept-search Physics Department Search
List for specific recipients for search; it needs to be restricted to authorized senders only
PCard-Submit Visa Card Holders
List of Visa Card Holders
PAF Members
PCIRN Project Managers
PEDSFACDEVCAN Pediatric Faculty Development Idea Sharing
Pediatric Faculty Development Chairs of Canada sharing ideas
PHYSIOLOGY-BIOPHYSICS-STAFF staff and research assistants
staff and research assistants
PEDIATRIC-PAIN Pediatric-Pain List
The PEDIATRIC-PAIN mailing list is an international Internet forum for informal discussion of any topic related to pain in children. There are currently over 1000 members on six continents.
Appropriate subjects might include clinical problems or questions, research problems or proposals, announcements of meetings, book reviews, and political or administrative aspects of children's pain management and prevention.
To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to: with the text: SUB PEDIATRIC-PAIN your-first-name your-last-name
PLANNINGMODULE School of Planning Conference Module
This list is a way for community members and Dalhousie participants to stay informed about the annual School of Planning Conference Module,typically held during the winter semester. Participants can sign up for updates on the conference theme, dates and registration details.The list will also be used to share any final products or notes following the event.
You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here
POLIGRADS Dalhousie Graduate Society of Political Science
You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here Description: A listserv for graduate students in the department of political science. Will allow graduate communications within the department to be circulated.