Description: This is a list of all Dal Employees over the age of 45 who Description: are being invited to a series of workshops being held by Description: Talent Management for retirement planning
Pre-Dental Student Society
Description: Potential MPA Students
POLITICAL-SCIENCE-GRADUATE-STUDE Political Science Graduate Students
Political Science Graduate Students
POLISCIFACULTY Polisci Faculty List
Polisci Faculty List
POLISCI-PHD Current Political Science PhD Students
Current Political Science PhD Students
POLISCI-MA Current Political Science MA Students
Current Political Science MA Students
POLISCI-FAC Political Science Faculty
Political Science Faculty
POLIGRADS Dalhousie Graduate Society of Political Science
You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here Description: A listserv for graduate students in the department of political science. Will allow graduate communications within the department to be circulated.
POLI-SCI-ALUMNI Political Science alumni
Political Science alumni
Description:The Progressive Librarians Guild: A student organization within Dalhousie's School of Information Management.
PLANNINGMODULE School of Planning Conference Module
This list is a way for community members and Dalhousie participants to stay informed about the annual School of Planning Conference Module,typically held during the winter semester. Participants can sign up for updates on the conference theme, dates and registration details.The list will also be used to share any final products or notes following the event.
PLANNING-METHOD-B-LIST FirstYearUndergradPlanning
PLAN-ALUM Plan Alumni List
Description: Planning alumni notice and discussion
PKP_ACTIVES Phi Kappa Pi - Actives
Description: Dalhousie students who are members of Phi Kappa Pi Fraternity.
Brief Description: Mailing list for graduate students of the department of Physiology & Biophysics
List for specific recipients for search; it needs to be restricted to authorized senders only
PHYS-STUDY-GROUP Halifax Physics Interest Group
Description: Student-faculty discussion group on the history and philosophy of physics
PHILGRAD Philosophy Graduate Student List
Philosophy Graduate Student List
PHILFAC Philosophy Faculty Email List
Description:a listserv solely for interdepartmental philosophy email communication.
This template creates the "classic" public discussion list. Typically it will have public archives, anyone can send to it (including non-subscribers), and replies will go back to the list. Only list owners may review the list of subscribers. This template has the lowest level of security validation - the only thing that requires a password is a list PUT. See chapter 2 in the List Owner's Manual for more information.
PHDHEALTH-FACULTY PhD Health Program Faculty Members
Description: All members of the faculty of the PhD in Health program
You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here
PE_COP Public Engagement Community of Practice
Brief Description=Public Engagement Community of Practice