You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here
Former-Dal-Professors MFA enrolment for Former DAL professors
This list is specific to send communications to formers professors about the MFA sign up deadline.
FoM_MSc_PhD MSc and PhD students in Faculty of Management
This list is for contacting MSc and PhD students (research grad students) within the Faculty of Management
the Dalhousie University community who are interested in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), geospatial data and cartography. This list is moderated by the staff at the GIS Centre on campus.
FoM-Info-Science-DEPT FoM Information Science Department
FoM Information Science Department
FoM-GSS FoM Graduate Student Services
FoM Graduate Student Services
FoM-Finance-DEPT FoM Finance Department
FoM Finance Department
FoM-All-Departments FoM Departments
FoM Departments
FoM-Dept-Chairs FoM Department Chairs
FoM Department Chairs
FoM-Dean-Office FoM Dean's Office
FoM Dean's Office
FoM-Accountancy-Dept FoM Accountancy Department
FoM Accountancy Department
FMSC Family Medicine Specialty Committee
Family Medicine Specialty Committee
FOM-AGC faculty of management area group coordinators
faculty of management area group coordinators
FO-Arch-Planning Faculty and Staff Members
Email list of all Architecture and Planning faculty and staff for internal communications use - including part-time and seasonal.
Description: send things to depts
GANS-INDUSTRY-GOVERNMENT-ACADEMI GANS -NSERC Consultation for Industry and Government
Description: List is temporary for an event I am hosting under an NSERC grant and will end by April 31st.
Description: Important people to the school. Created for major announcements.
GRADUATES-2008 Graduates 2008_ni
Description: Grads from 2008 with missing alumni info
GRADHOUSE gradhouse
Description: grad house student list
Description: Glengary student list
Description: Gerard student list
GKIHS General Members
Description: General Members of Golden Key International Honours Society, Dalhousie Chapter.
GE3LS GE3LS: Events, opportunities, and updates
Description: Distribution list for GE3LS: for researchers and stakeholders Description: interested and involved in genomics and its Description: its ethical, environmental, economic, legal, and social implications.
Description: CERC Ocean Glider Team
FIRSTYEARBMGMT First Year BMgmt students
Description: A list of all first year students in the BMgmt
FOS-PTA-LTA-LISTSERVER Faculty of Science PTA and LTA Listserver
Description: A general list server for announcements and news for PTA's and LTA's hired