Description:This listserv is a space for discussion amongst the many campus representatives of ACCUTE, and also a means for ACCUTE to send out information to our reps.
AC-FACULTYCOUNCIL Agricultural list for faculty members
Description:This to use to connect with all faculty members
AC-FOFAG Faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture
2021_2022-FoS_Graduates 2021 - 2022 FoS Graduate Students
FoS Graduate Students for 2021-2022
22_23-FoS_Graduates 2022-2023 Faculty of Science Graduates
FoS Graduate Students for 2022-2023
AAHRP-RESEARCHERS funded research
funded research
academic-leaders Information sharing with Academic Leaders
Information sharing with Academic Leaders
AA-AT-LISTSERV Anesthesia Assistants and Techs
Description: To maintain a listserv for these groups to receive relevant Department info.
4YR-4_BSCN Halifax Basic 4th Year UG Students
List Address= 4YR-4_BSCN@LISTS.DAL.CA
ACADUNITADMINS Acad Unit Admins-TimeTabler
List of academic unit administrators for TimeTabler
ABC-2024 ABC Conference 2024 Group
Planning committee for ABC Copyright Conference 2024
AC-PAG Principals Advisory Committee for the AC
Principals Advisory Committee for the AC
AC-Haley-Bldg Staff and Faculty Occupants of Haley Bldg
This is a list of all the staff and faculty of different units that are in Haley Building on the AC Campus.
2021_2022-FoS_Undergraduates Undergraduate Students for 2021-2022
Undergraduate Students for 2021-2022
22_23-FoS_Undergraduates 2022-2023 Faculty of Science Undergraduates
Undergraduate Students for 2022-2023
AC-VSGS Visiting Research Graduate Students
Visiting Research Graduate Students
AC-DEPTCHAIRS Faculty of Agriculture Department Chairs List
You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here
You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here