Brief Description=Research ROC contact list for W&O
WILU-2021-VOLUNTEERS WILU 2021 Volunteers
Communication for volunteers at the WILU 2021 online conference.
WRITING-CONNECTIONS-AT-DALHOUSIE Supporting the Writing of Students and Faculty
Description: This listserv is established to support the writing done at Dalhousieby students and faculty members. It is a discussion group; it is an opportunity to begin a conversation about writing; and it is place where information (on writing, on meetings about writing, and so on) can be exchanged.
Description: to be able to contact all the faculty in Engineering
WIN Webinar Innovation Network
Description:Staff and faculty at the Dalhousie Medical School and affiliated institutions wishing to advance the use and quality of webinar-based learning.
Description:This will be a listserv set up to keep track of Dalhousie visa cards expirations
WEB4ADMINUSERS Web for Admin Users
List of Users of Web for Administrators Functions
W4AContacts Web for Admin Contacts
Web for Admin users associated with the W4A Core Project.