A list of tutors working at the Dal AC Help Centre
ANATOMYDRAWING Anatomy Drawing Club News
A news and discussion list for the members of the Anatomy Drawing Club. The club is open to medical and other healthcare students, faculty and staff at Dalhousie University.
Agri-food-Analytics-Lab AAL Research News
AAL Research News
ACCUTE-EXEC ACCUTE Executive committee listserv
ACCUTE Executive committee listserv
ALUMNI-NEWSLETTER Faculty of Science - Alumni Newsletter
Additional Information:This will be used for one-way communication rather than discussion. List title may change - alumni will be invited to send in suggestions for newsletter names.
AIRN The Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network (AIRN)
AIRN is a network of over 270 individuals and organizations working in the area of HIV, hepatitis C and other STBBIs in the Atlantic region.The goal of AIRN is to coordinate research efforts to support evidence-based decision-making to influence policy, program, and practice to prevent transmission and to improve the quality of life of those affected.
Alumni-dal MFA sign up deadline
Alumni list to be sent an email about the MFA sign up deadline.
ACUDA_PGE_PA ANES Program Administrators
ANES Program Administrators
Anesthesia Faculty
APICS-CHAIRS APICS Chairs Discussion
APICS Chairs Discussion
APLA-List APLA-List List
APLA-List List
ANNUALFUND All about the annual fund at Dalhousie
Contact list for those interested in keeping in touch with the Annual Fund.
ANESTHESIA-DEPT Dept of Anesthesia, Pain Mgmt & Periop Medicine
Dept of Anesthesia, Pain Mgmt & Periop Medicine
acorn-contact acorn contact
Description: acorn contact
Description: All Advanced Standing students in BScN program (Halifax)
Description: All Fac of Sci ugrad students emails
Description: All MBA alumni in Halifax
ALUM-AGRICULTURE-REVIEW Alumni List for Senate Review of Agriculture
Description: Alumni conatct list for the Faculty of Agriculture, Description: to seek input for the Senate Review
ARCH-NEWS-EXTERNAL Architecture news from external sources
Description: Announcements forwarded from other institutions to interested Architecture students, staff and faculty.
ANNOUNCEMENT-OTTAWA-INTERNS Introduction to Interns for Ottawa
Description: Possible Intern Supervisors for Ottawa 2014
ANNOUNCEMENT-OTHER-INTERNS Introduction to Interns for Other
Description: Possible Intern Supervisors outside NS/Ottawa 2014
ALUMNI-ADVISORIES School of Business Alumni NS Mainland
Description:Alumni of the School of Business for Mainland Nova Scotia
ALUMNI-LIST Alumni Listing
Description:Names and emails of all alumni from start of program
Description:Nursing Adjuncts
Description:Possible Intern Supervisors for NS 2014
Description:The ACZISC Coastal Update has been published by the ACZISC since 1997. The newsletter highlights research, documents, resources, events, and opportunities related to integrated coastal and ocean management, coastal mapping and geomatics, and other coastal and marine issues.
ARCH-LIST School of Architecture Faculty and Students
Description; School of Architecture Faculty and Students List
ACUDA-PGE ACUDA Postgrade Education Group
Email list for ACUDA Postgraduate education members (Canadian Anesthesia PDs)
all-mathstat all-mathstat
Everybody in the department
ANESTHESIA-GRAND-ROUNDS List of people to invite to general topic Anesthesia Grand Rounds
List of people to invite to general topic Anesthesia Grand Rounds
African_Descent_Nursing Nursing Students of African Descent
Nursing Students of African Descent
Annual-Fund-Team Advancement Annual Fund group
Office of Advancement - Annual Fund Staff group.
APHASIA-ACTION Aphasia Action News
We regularly distribute InteRACT program news via our e-newsletter, Aphasia Action News.
ALL-ECE-3RD-YR-STUD 3rd yr ECE Fall 2010
You should insert a short (4-5 line) description of your list here