Revisiting Daubert: A Look Back at Scientific Expert Testimony and Philosophy
It has been more than 20 years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals about the admissibility of scientific expert witness testimony. Within the context of ongoing debates about how to evaluate expert testimony, the Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law ( invites authors to submit new manuscripts that address epistemological, ethical, or other philosophical issues pertaining to Daubert and related legal cases.
Topics suitable for this Call for Papers include but are not limited to:
• Whether Daubert offers a philosophically sound approach to evaluating the legitimacy of expert witness testimony • Philosophical issues emerging from post-Daubert cases • Whether the U.S. court system has appropriate procedures in place to evaluate expert testimony relating to emerging technologies, including neurotechnology, genetics, and surveillance devices • Ethical issues relating to the development and use of scientific evidence in the courts • Comparative analyses between the standards of expert witness testimony in US and non-US court systems
Manuscripts submitted for inclusion in this special issue must be original work and should not be under consideration with any other journal. The word count for submitted manuscripts, including references and notes, should not exceed 5000 words. Manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words.
Authors should adhere as closely as possible to the Journal’s publication guidelines:
Authors should submit their manuscripts and abstracts via email attachments no later than August 29, 2014 to Dr. Jason Borenstein: borenstein[AT]gatech [DOT]edu
The email subject line should read JPSL Daubert.
Accepted manuscripts will be published online in December 2014 / January 2015.
Jason Borenstein, PhD
Director, Graduate Research Ethics Programs School of Public Policy Georgia Institute of Technology
685 Cherry Street
Atlanta, GA 30332-0345
(404) 385-2801
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