I apparently had a dream in which I sent what I am about to say several months
ago, because I can't find any record that it went out. Forgive me if it sounds
familiar, eh?
A new-ish area in feminist bioethics is concern about medicalization and
definitions of disease (nosology).
I would point you to several pieces in IJFAB on this, including my own from
Spring 2010 ("Patient Complains of...: How medicalization mediates power and
and one by Liz Victor and Laura Guidry-Grimes which deals with medicalization of
low testosterone among other things. I also wrote for IJFAB blog about my
concerns over the increasing medicalization of obesity, which numerous medical
associations have re-classified from a risk condition to a disease in itself,
ignoring the Health At Every Size movement and the results of many large
studies on so-called "fit fat" persons, thereby indicating that the
medicalization of obesity is significantly structured by fat stigma and
arbitrary beauty standards. I also wrote a piece some years ago called "Paying
for the Possibility of Disease..." on the increasing medicalization of risk
I am by no means the only person working in this area, as the Victor and
Guidry-Grimes article indicates. Mary Ann Cutter's fine book "The Ethics of
Gender-Specific Disease" deals with this and related issues.
I encourage other FABsters to suggest other works.
Alison Reiheld
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
College of Arts and Sciences
[log in to unmask]
Quoting Jackie Leach Scully <[log in to unmask]>:
> Dear all
> this call for suggestions went out a while ago, and some of you did indeed
> respond -- many thanks to those who did. I am just re-sending it, post-Mexico
> FAB, as a last opportunity for you to make suggestions -- perhaps of good
> papers you heard or an up and coming scholar whose work has impressed you.
> thanks again for all your contributions,
> Jackie
> Professor Jackie Leach Scully
> Co-Director
> Policy Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre
> http://www.ncl.ac.uk/peals
> Professor of Social Ethics and Bioethics
> School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
> Newcastle University
> 5th floor, Claremont Bridge, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK
> ________________________________________
> From: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics [[log in to unmask]] on
> behalf of Jackie Leach Scully
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 6:17 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Stanfor Encyclopedia of Philosophy Feminist Bioethics entry
> Dear all
> a while ago I was asked by Anne Donchin if I would update her entry on
> Feminist Bioethics in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Bioethics (to be found
> here: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminist-bioethics/). It is overdue
> an update, but Anne doesn't feel in a position to do so herself. I agreed
> (and it was actually due last month -- other commitments mean I'm turning to
> it only now).
> I'm under no illusions that I have a full grasp of the range of developments,
> and emerging/upcoming things, in feminist bioethics today. I'm very familiar
> with some areas, not so much with others, and may therefore give a lopsided
> viewpoint. So I'm turning to you FABsters for guidance as to what you feel
> the update (of around 2000 words) should include. Citations would be a big,
> big help. Don't be shy to point to your own work, or just flag up an emerging
> field or area of activity.
> I can't offer to have you all as coauthors in return, but I can include an
> acknowledgement to you and other sources of FB wisdom.
> Many thanks in advance for your suggestions, which will help ensure that what
> I have to add to Anne's original work really does reflect the energy and
> diversity of feminist bioethics today.
> Jackie
> Professor Jackie Leach Scully
> Co-Director
> Policy Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre
> Visit our new website at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/peals
> Professor of Social Ethics and Bioethics
> School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Newcastle University 5th floor,
> Claremont Bridge, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK
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