Dear all
this call for suggestions went out a while ago, and some of you did indeed respond -- many thanks to those who did. I am just re-sending it, post-Mexico FAB, as a last opportunity for you to make suggestions -- perhaps of good papers you heard or an up and coming scholar whose work has impressed you.
thanks again for all your contributions,
Professor Jackie Leach Scully
Policy Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre
Professor of Social Ethics and Bioethics
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University
5th floor, Claremont Bridge, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK
From: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Jackie Leach Scully
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 6:17 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Stanfor Encyclopedia of Philosophy Feminist Bioethics entry
Dear all
a while ago I was asked by Anne Donchin if I would update her entry on Feminist Bioethics in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Bioethics (to be found here: It is overdue an update, but Anne doesn't feel in a position to do so herself. I agreed (and it was actually due last month -- other commitments mean I'm turning to it only now).
I'm under no illusions that I have a full grasp of the range of developments, and emerging/upcoming things, in feminist bioethics today. I'm very familiar with some areas, not so much with others, and may therefore give a lopsided viewpoint. So I'm turning to you FABsters for guidance as to what you feel the update (of around 2000 words) should include. Citations would be a big, big help. Don't be shy to point to your own work, or just flag up an emerging field or area of activity.
I can't offer to have you all as coauthors in return, but I can include an acknowledgement to you and other sources of FB wisdom.
Many thanks in advance for your suggestions, which will help ensure that what I have to add to Anne's original work really does reflect the energy and diversity of feminist bioethics today.
Professor Jackie Leach Scully
Policy Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre
Visit our new website at
Professor of Social Ethics and Bioethics
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Newcastle University 5th floor, Claremont Bridge, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK