Hello FABsters,
I’ve heard some folks at the conferences in Mexico City expressed an interest in being more active reviewers for IJFAB. If this includes you, please, let me know! Sometimes I have to ask as many as a dozen people before securing referees for a manuscript. A database of people actively interested in contributing would be enormously helpful.
Please forward your response to [log in to unmask] Include information about the degree(s) you hold or are currently pursuing (mostly I just need to know if your background is philosophy, clinical medicine, law, or what) and a list of manuscript topics you are qualified and interested in reviewing. If you can review in languages other than English, that would also be helpful to know.
Many thanks!
Patrick J. Welsh
Managing Editor
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
Department of Philosophy
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794
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