Hi, folks.
I am either missing something or about to hit a stone cold funding block. The
World Congress of Bioethics registration options do not include one for FAB
only. It is also unclear whether World Congress of Bioethics registration fee
includes FAB. And the early-bird registration fee is US$700.
In addition, there is no code for any kind of special rate or room block at the
conference hotel as far as I can discern.
Thus, it looks like attending FAB will cost me the full World Congress $700
registration, a little over $150 per night at 2-3 nights, meals, and
indeterminate airfare. Am I understanding the Registration fee and lack of
rates/block correctly?
I do see that I can register for just one day at $215/day. However, I cannot do
so for two, and I especially cannot do so for either of FAB's 2 days, June 23
and 24. Those are not listed as options (only the 25th, 26th, and 27th of the
full World Congress).
I suspect I am not the only one with this concern. Would the organizing
committee be so kind as to clarify how we are to register for FAB, and the
cost, as well as the issue of room rates and block codes at the conference
Alison Reiheld
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
College of Arts and Sciences
[log in to unmask]
Quoting Hilde Lindemann <[log in to unmask]>:
> Dear FABsters,
> As you know, IAB handles our registration for us, and their site hasn't quite
> gone live yet (they were hoping for early February, so it should be any day
> now). In the mean time, you may want to know that when IAB supplies us with
> the code that gives us a FAB discount for the room bookings at the hotel, the
> price per night should be about $150. The hotel, the Hilton Mexico City, is
> the same one where our Congress will be, as will the IAB Congress (there's a
> link to it on the IAB website now). It's in the heart of downtown Mexico
> City, with lots of shops and restaurants nearby.
> The program is now complete, and is pasted into this email below my
> signature. We'll put it up on the FAB website, along with links to the IAB
> World Congress site, as soon as they are ready to roll.
> Best wishes to you all,
> Hilde
> Hilde Lindemann
> Professor of Philosophy
> 503 South Kedzie Hall
> Michigan State University
> East Lansing, MI 48823
> [log in to unmask]
> FAB 2014 Congress, Mexico City, 23-25 June 2014
> Theme: Health Care Ethics: Local, Global, Universal
> Monday June 23
> 9:00-9.30 Chair Welcome, introductions, housekeeping
> Plenary session 1
> 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
> 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
> 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
> 11:00-12:00
> Concurrent session: Mental Health
> Chair: Pamela Lomelino
> 43. Ami Harbin, “Feminist Bioethics and ‘Posttraumatic Growth’”
> 3. Norah Martin, “Forced Treatment of the Severely Mentally Ill”
> 11:00-12:00
> Concurrent session: Healthcare Systems
> Chair: Elizabeth Victor
> 57. Monique Lanoix, “Can a Healthcare System Include Ancillary Care?”
> 29. Sonya Charles, “Autonomy, Healthcare, and Institutional Constraints”
> 11:00-12:00
> Concurrent session: Mothering
> Chair: Dirce Guilhem
> 63. Sheryl de Lacey, “Good and Bad Mothers: Child Interests, Social Justice,
> and Assisted Reproductive Technologies”
> 11. Alison Thompson, “Paradoxes of Resistance: Public Health, Childhood
> Vaccines, and the Moral Work of Motherhood”
> 12:00-1:00
> Concurrent session: Implicit Bias
> Chair: Lisa Eckenwiler
> 39. Rebecca Kukla & Bryce Huebner, “The Sedimentation of Bias in Medical
> Institutions”
> 66. Teresa Blankenmeyer Burke, “Developing a Deaf Feminist Bioethics: The
> Case of Cochlear Implants”
> 12:00-1:00
> Concurrent session: Medical Tourism
> Chair: Viola Schubert-Lehnhardt
> 45. Katy Fulfer, “Domestic Implications for the International Regulation of
> Reproductive Travel in the U.S. and Canada”
> 32. Jason Behrmann, “An Industry-Out-of-the Closet: LGBTI Medical Tourism”
> 12:00-1:00
> Concurrent session: Childbirth
> Chair: Vasiliki Petousi
> 41. Allison Wolf, “Achieving Reproductive Justice in Childbirth”
> 24. Paul Burcher & Lisa Campo Engelstein, “The Case Against Cesarean Delivery
> on Maternal Request in Labor”
> 1:00-2:30: LUNCH
> 1:30-2:30:
> 1:00-2:30: LUNCH
> 2:30-4:00
> Concurrent session: Notes from All Over
> Chair: Monique Lanoix
> 8. Heike Felzmann, “Floodgates and Suspicion: Women and Suicide Risk in the
> Irish Public Discourse on Abortion”
> 16. Brady Heiner, “Punishing Pregnancy: Race, Shackling, and the
> Sedimentations of Slavery in US Prisons”
> 18. Anna Gotlib, “The Revolution That Wasn’t: International Intervention and
> Women’s Health in Post-Soviet Russia”
> 2:30-4:00
> Concurrent session: Clinical Research
> Chair: Gillian Crozier
> 42. Danielle Wenner, “Autonomy and Exploitation in International Clinical
> Research”
> 6. Anna Smajdor & Laura Bowater, “Is It Ethical to Exclude Pregnant Women
> from Clinical Research?”
> 2:30-4:00
> Concurrent session: Perplexities and Conundrums
> Chair: Claire Morrissey
> 4. James Dwyer, “What Disaster Ethics Can Learn from Feminist Bioethics”
> 58. Katrina Hutchison, “Disproportionate Harm to Women in Cases of Surgical
> Implant Failure”
> 51. Isabel Karpin & Roxanne Mykitiuk, “Protecting Future People: A feminist
> analysis of intergenerational justice in a context of possible reproductive
> harms”
> 4:00-4:30 Coffee Break
> 4:00-4:30 Coffee Break
> 4:00-4:30 Coffee Break
> 4:30-5:30 Plenary session 2:
> Chair: Sergio Rego
> 33. Roberta Flores Angeles & Olivia Tena Guerrero, “Choices and Tensions:
> Childcare Strategies of Mexican Mothers Working at Feminist Organizations”
> 6:00-7:00
> 8:00-10:00: Working Dinner for IJFAB Board Members
> Tuesday June 24
> 9:00-10:30: Plenary Session 3 Chair: Hilde Lindemann
> 69. Francoise Baylis, Erin Fredricks, & Carolyn McLeod, “Children, Property,
> or Cells? Embryos, Ethics, and Exploitation” (panel)
> 10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
> 10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
> 10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
> 11:00-12:30
> Concurrent Panel Session
> Chair: Stephen Wilkinson
> 27. Lindsey Porter, Jacques Balayla, Ariel Lefkowitz, Ruby Catsanos, Mianna
> Lotz, Timothy Murphy, “Ethics of Uterus Transplantation” (panel)
> 11:00-12:30
> Concurrent Panel Session
> Chair: Jennifer Parks
> 17. Andrea Pitts, Alison Reiheld, Elizabeth Victor, “Caring from the Outside”
> (panel)
> 11:00-12:30
> Concurrent Panel Session
> Chair: Rebecca Kukla
> 36. Jackie Leach Scully, Lisa Eckenwiler, & Hilde Lindemann, “Moral Pioneers:
> The Role of the Public in Bioethical Deliberation” (panel)
> 12:30-2:00: Lunch
> 12:30-2:00: Lunch
> 12:30-2:00: Lunch
> 2:00-3:30
> Concurrent session: Global Health
> Chair: Ami Harbin
> 44. Angela Thachuck, “A Feminist Bioethics Approach to Global Occupational
> Health and Safety”
> 10. Jacob Dahlke, “Something Fell Out: A Comparison of Standards of Care for
> Uterine Prolapse in Nepal”
> 68. Dominique Elizabeth Martin & Riadh Fadhil, “The Doha Model of Organ
> Donation and Transplantation: Thinking Beyond Citizenship”
> 2:00-3:30
> Concurrent session: Embodiment
> Chair: Sheryl de Lacey
> 7. Jane Jankowski, “One’s Better Half: Hemicorporectomy, the Normative Body,
> and the Importance of Embodiment”
> 47. Gayla Hildesheimer & Hemda Gur-Arie, “Just Modeling? Eating Disorders and
> Feminist Concerns”
> 61. Petousi Vasiliki, Irini Sifaki, & Toni M. Calasanti, “Individual
> Responsibility, Empowerment, and Moral Obligation to ‘Fix’ the ‘Broken’
> Reproductive Body”
> 2:00-3:30
> Concurrent session: Moral Theory
> Chair: Anna Gotlib
> 2. Mary Rawlinson, “On the Necessity of Universals in Bioethics”
> 19. Clair Morrissey, “A Feminist Account of the Nature and Importance of the
> Concept of ‘Dignity’ for Bioethics”
> 14. Carol Quinn & Sergio Gallagos, “Standpoint Theory and Healthcare: The
> Zapatista Experience”
> 3.30-4:00: Coffee Break
> 3.30-4:00: Coffee Break
> 3.30-4:00: Coffee Break
> 4:00-5:30
> Concurrent session: Transnational Contract Pregnancy
> Chair: Carolyn McLeod
> 23. Emma Ryman, “Guinea Pigs and Baby Ovens: The Objectification of
> Vulnerable Populations in Transnational Human Subjects Research and
> Commercial Contract Pregnancy”
> 40. Jennifer Parks, “Feminist Issues in Domestic and Transnational Surrogacy:
> The Case of Japan”
> 35. Gillian Crozier, Jennifer Johnson, & Christopher Hazler, “At the
> Intersections of Emotional and Biological Labor: Understanding Transnational
> Surrogacy as Social Reproduction”
> 4:00-5:30
> Concurrent session: Gametes and Embryos
> Chair: Jackie Leach Scully
> 64. Angel Petropanagos, “Fertility Preservation Technologies for Children:
> The Risk of ‘Sexualizing’ Children Involved in Stage 1 Fertility Preservation
> Decision-making”
> 60. Alisa C. Von Hagel, “Genes, Gametes and Embryos: The Politics of
> Reproductive Material Disposition”
> 28. Stephen Wilkinson, “Prenatal Screening, Women’s Reproductive Autonomy,
> and Individualised Choice”
> 4:00-5:30
> Concurrent session: Infertility
> Chair: Debora Diniz
> 34. Marie-Eve Lemoine, “Toward a Public Health Approach to Infertility”
> 46. Sylvia Hübel, “Infertility and Reproductive Loss in the Paintings of
> Frida Kahlo”
> 7:30 – BANQUET
> Wednesday June 25: FAB/IAB CROSS-OVER DAY
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