I join the happiness that all of you are doing well and safely.
God Bless you all!
2012/10/31 <[log in to unmask]>:
> Dear Vasiliki,
> Thanks so much ! Hope all is well with you.
> Warmly, Mary
> Sent from my iPad
> On Oct 31, 2012, at 1:10 PM, "Petousi Vasiliki" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Dear Mary
>> we are all very happy that you are doing well. This too will pass!!!
>> Vassiliki
>> Quoting [log in to unmask]:
>> > Dear Colleagues,
>> > Many thanks for the many kind wishes that you sent our way as Hurricane
>> > Sandy approached. I fear that intending only to explain why we might be
>> > AWOL for a few days, I alarmed some of you! It's wonderful to know that
>> > there's a community out there wishing us well.
>> > With the exception of PJ's car which was totaled by a large pine, we are
>> > fine. The university remains closed, as most of the New York area, us
>> > included, is without power. Indeed, airports, trains, and subway are all
>> > shut, and because of downed trees and power lines and the lack of
>> > traffic
>> > lights, driving is not advised. So we're all house bound for the moment.
>> > The university email server went down, so we had no access to our email
>> > for
>> > two days. As we're still without power, phone service, and internet, it
>> > will take us a week or so to catch up. The 3G has been working only
>> > sporadically.
>> > Many thanks to all of you for your patience as we catch up.
>> > Warm regards to all,
>> > Mary
>> >
>> > Sent from my iPad
Carolina Valdebenito
GSM: 0473295388