In order to have the maximum amount of time for discussion of substantive issues, for this Business Meeting we are trialling a process in which the reports from FAB officers become available *before* rather than at the Business Meeting. Links to these reports are now available on the FAB website. What the Co-coordinators would like to ask FAB members to do is:
- read the reports
- if you have questions, especially questions for clarification, please contact the relevant officer directly by email, before the date of the Business Meeting
- at the Business Meeting itself, the relevant officer will clarify anything needed, as indicated by questions asked beforehand. Questions will also be taken from the floor, but essentially the aim is that reports are *accepted* rather than *discussed* at the Business Meeting itself.
In some cases, it has been recognised that a report raises a substantive issue, and we will have time to discuss these in the course of the Business Meeting.
Also on the website are the new Fab bylaws, the Minutes of the 2010 Business Meeting in Singapore, and the Agenda for the Rotterdam Business meeting.
And note also that this year sees the 20th anniversary of FAB's founding! This is being celebrated in a variety of ways in Rotterdam, including a commemorative opening plenary, and a FAB 20th Anniversary Dinner. On the FAB website you can also read Wendy Rogers' history of FAB 2002-2012, covering the 10 years since the first FAB history by Helen Bequaert Holmes and Anne Donchin.
Jackie Leach Scully and Carolyn Ells, FAB Co-coordinators
Dr Jackie Leach Scully
Policy Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre
Visit our new website at
Professor of Social Ethics and Bioethics
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Newcastle University 5th floor, Claremont Bridge, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK