Alison et al.--there's a train from Amsterdam (Fyra) that gets to Rotterdam
in 40 minutes.
At 04:22 PM 10/31/2011, you wrote:
>I enjoy planning well in advance of any certainty I will be making a
>trip. You
>know, in my copious spare time as an academic. Actually, this really is
>something I enjoy, so I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for where
>one ought to fly into to get to Rotterdam. Oddly, the travel website I used
>claimed it was impossible to fly from St. Louis, Missouri, USA, to Rotterdam,
>Netherlands. If anyone familiar with travel into Rotterdam has a
>suggestion for
>where I might have gone amiss, I should be most grateful.
> Alison
> --------------------------------------------------
> Alison Reiheld
> Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
> SIU-Edwardsville
> Phi Sigma Tau SIUE chapter adviser
> American Philosophical Association Committee on Pre-College
> Instruction in Philosophy
>SIUE Web Mail