Dear all,
My name is Rachel, and I'm studying medicine in London. I have been a
member of the FABlist since I became organiser for International
Women's Day talks and celebrations at KCL. I thouroughly enjoy reading
the discussions, and have often found myself quoting them in lectures
and when teaching.
I am currently in the exiting position of organising a year out from
studies before final year, and I was hoping to get some ideas from the
FABers. The purpose of this year is to consolidate some of the themes
that I am interested in pursuing in my career as a doctor and hopeful
educator and writer: feminism, bioethics, sexual health/Obs+Gynae,
mental health and cross-cultural communication.
I chose against taking a masters because I didn't want to limit the
field I explore, instead choosing to pursue internships, teaching
roles and clinical work around the world.I am therefore writing to ask
for ideas, contacts- or just to pose a broader question: if you were
in my shoes, how would you spend the year?
So far, I have placements in new york, sudan, zimbabwe and tanzania,
focusing on the above topics, and i would be very interested to find
contacts and placements in India, Pakistan and Ethiopia (areas I have
long dreamed of going). But truth be told, I am happy to go anywhere,
and am in the once-in-a-lifetime position of being flexible enough to
do so! I would be happy to send my CV if there are people interested
in knowing more.
Hope to hear some ideas from you,
With best wishes
Rachel Adams