Although philosophical issues have always been central to medicine, the past few years have seen a resurgence of interest in the philosophy of medicine. The Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice is an international journal that focuses on the evaluation and development of clinical practice in medicine, nursing and the allied health professions. It has a tradition of publishing papers relevant to epistemological, metaphysical and ethical issues arising in medicine and has recently devoted an entire volume (April 2010) to philosophical issues. We are seeking contributions to a second issue dedicated to philosophical issues in medicine, scheduled for publication in the fall of 2011. Themes to be emphasized in this issue include the role of virtue in clinical practice (e.g. Is health care a business or a profession?; virtue theory and an account of moral motivation in health care; virtue and financial incentives for performance; virtue-based practice: an option to improve pay for performance?; virtue theory and evidence based medicine; virtue theory and person-centred medicine; the virtuous practitioner, patient and health care relationship) and the nature of progress in medicine (e.g. is medicine progressing?; what measures would we use to assess progress?; is progress always good?; how does research contribute to progress in medicine?). However, we also welcome papers that do not fit neatly into one of these themes, but represent excellent examples of the application of philosophy to questions of substantive import in medicine and healthcare.
The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 1st March 2011. Original papers are usually no more than 5000 words in length, and detailed author guidelines are available at Those interested in submitting a paper are also encouraged to contact Kirstin Borgerson at Kirstin [log in to unmask]