Thanks exceedingly. I've posted it as optional reading for my Women and Values
students; hopefully someone will pick it out and write a reflective journal
entry on it. We will definitely use some examples from it in class discussion
when we hit essentialism.
Alison Reiheld, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Co-editor, Questions: Philosophy for Young People
[log in to unmask]
Quoting Hilary Gerber <[log in to unmask]>:
> I enjoyed this article from Neuroethics, "Will Working Mothers' Brains
> Explode? The Popular New Genre of Neurosexism " and thought I'd share:
> http://www.springerlink.com/content/ch8k8085pv61v361/fulltext.pdf
> Hilary Gerber
> From: gaidheal
> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:14 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: applied health ethics classes
> Hello Andrea
> I think you already named your idea....by engaging in the moment or daily
> going-ons what observations do you (the student) make that can possibly be
> construed as an ethics issue?
> This way the students are meaningfully assessing the immediate interactive
> environment as silent witnesses/observers for this information.
> Then as class work ask : what of their own preconceived /socially constructed
> value sets do they impose in those observations to render them ethical or not
> and would these change per environment or time.
> Then how do they go about addressing /remedying these ethical dilemma in
> practical respectful manner....using your example can they send letters to
> the clinic letting them know they overheard information they otherwise would
> not know.....maybe conduct a simple qualitative survey for patient/clients to
> see if they feel/perceive their info to be private and how would they feel if
> someone overheard such. Have students then forward this info to local
> clinics unnamed of course, so they can safely implement practices/policies
> accordingly.
> I would ask if patients who overhear other patient's info..what is their
> duty/likelihood they will remain confidential about it and are their
> obligated...if they say remain silent then has there been a violation to
> confidentiality if overheard in doctor's office as opposed to the grocery
> store?
> Do we all have an obligation to remain silent as we would want others to do
> onto us if they overheard our information? I would ask patient this in that
> survey moving the issue from a passive to action stance where we do or do
> not share responsibility to ensure ethical conduct.
> The overhearing a person's name on a serious test result, I myself have heard
> that as well...is it an ethical situation that I overheard it or was the
> caller too loud and should not have used the person's name...is the person on
> the phone hearing impaired and needed someone to speak louder causing you to
> overhear....what information do we bring to our judgments and assessments and
> maybe we do not have access to all the information so what we deem unethical
> in that moment may change with more information?
> Should ethics be this transient and mutable?
> gaidheal
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: [log in to unmask]
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:41 AM
> Subject: applied health ethics classes
> Hi Fab-ers, looking over my syllabi, I am wondering if anyone has an ideas
> about a praciticum component to applied health ethics classes, so that health
> care ethics theory doesn't just stay theory for students. Today I was at a
> walk in clinic for a minor issue and noticed at least 7 things that were
> ethically problematic; including, alarmingly, a phone conversation where a
> patient whose name we heard was told he had tested positive for a serious
> illness. I find in my classes students come up with great ideas of how, for
> example, to improve clinics and their policies in the area of ethics but how
> can we get these ideas tried out and realized in practice?
> Thanks, Andrea
> www.andreanicki.com
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