Dear Friends and Colleagues,
A few weeks ago, I announced that the first DVDs were becoming available from the project, Feminist Philosophers: In Their Own Words.*
This note is to let you know that that first five of these two-hour versions of interviews with pioneering scholars in feminist philosophy are now available on DVD through Penn State at .
Interviews now available are of
Sandra Bartky,
Susan Bordo,
Sandra Harding,
Nel Noddings, and
Sara Ruddick.
We will soon be getting others out through the website.
Nancy Tuana and I want to urge you to ask your libraries to purchase these DVDs. Every penny of that comes in from the sale of the edited interviews goes right back into the project to keep it going.
Among our many hopes for this project is that it might serve as a model for other traditional disciplines.
Please circulate information on this project throughout your own disciplines. I can send a flyer to anyone who thinks that might be useful.
Again, the project website address is
Joan Callahan ([log in to unmask])
Professor, Philosophy
Professor, Gender and Women's Studies
University of Kentucky
(on leave)
*These DVDs are roughly two hours long, divided into fairly self-contained segments, culled from 6-8 hours of film, made over two days with each subject. The original films will be archived at Penn State and the University of Kentucky, as the first digital archive in feminist philosophy. To date, we have interviewed over twenty scholars, and we are far from finished!