Call for Papers:
With the recent advances in imaging and genetic technologies, the last decade has witnessed an explosion of work on human cognitive and affective functioning. Among some of the more publicized work is that on sex differences. Basing research on neuroscience lends studies particular credibility in the public mind, with the result that traditional gender characteristics and roles seem to take on a new credibility. There are, however, serious questions about how to interpret the evidence from neuroscience, an area that, in some respects, appears to be just as sensitive to preconceived notions of sex-differences as other fields. It is, therefore, time to apply a feminist perspective to this burgeoning field of study.
We call for papers for an edited volume on neuroscience and feminism in areas including, but not limited to the following topics: (1) exploration of past stereotypes, (2) scientifically informed understanding of sex differences/similarities, (3) the exposure of androcentric biases that inform scientific research, (4) new scientifically informed perspectives on old feminist issues, (5) neuroscientific understanding of embodied experience, (6) understanding sex differences using animal models, (7) the neuroscience of ethical thinking, (8) pathologies, mental disorder, and sex differences. We encourage researchers from philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science generally to submit.
The deadline for submission of manuscripts (maximum length 12,000 words) is January 1, 2010. We also encourage those interested in submitting a paper to contact us in advance of this deadline. Please also feel welcome to circulate this call for papers to colleagues who may be interested in contributing a paper.
Robyn Bluhm, Old Dominion University [log in to unmask]
Anne Jacobson, University of Houston [log in to unmask]
Heidi Maibom, Carleton University [log in to unmask]