Andrea et al,
An interesting thread.
I have a suggestion for references of possible interest--and a
possible place to publish.
As a source of interest: In the last issue of the APA
Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine there were a few pieces from a
Committee panel at Eastern division APA last fall--one titled
"Nosological Validity of the DSM," by Claire Pouncey, and another on
Dysthemic Disorder in the DSM by Janet Radden. Mind you, this is not
my area AT ALL, so I'm not sure whether y'all will find the contents
of use, but the two can be found at
[ ]
As a place to publish: We don't necessarily publish all or
only mental health stuff--but if you have something that might be of
interest to our audience, you might consider sending me material. We
are only on-line, not hard copy, but we are indexed in Medline and
put out two issues a year. (I know you know about us, Andrea,
because I published a poem of yours in my first issue as
editor--titled "therapist"--and have published successor poems in
each issue since--one from a patient perspective, and one from a
therapists' perspective.)
I went to a talk by Ian Hacking earlier this year on "the
literature of autism", where I learned that he's been doing work on
psychiatric diagnosis and natural kinds for a number of years. Who
knew? (I guess the fact that I didn't know shows that I've not been
keeping up.) It was not particularly feminist--but it was really
interesting. I'm not sure whether it fell in the category of
'narrative ethics' or was more along the line of 'narrative
politics'--but he talked about the possible normative impact of the
various recent books by and about people with autism.
Keep up the good work...and get in touch if any of you have
a little piece on something in a drawer that you'd like to send out
for a first run in the Newsletter--publication there does not
preclude publication in a more finished form elsewhere.
Mary Rorty for the Newsletter
82 Peter Coutts Circle Home: 650-856-8048
Stanford CA 94305 Cell: 650-815-1827