Dear all
I'm in search of a reviewer for Deborah Blizzard's book Looking
Within: A Sociocultural Examination of Fetoscopy. The review
would be for Metascience, which is a journal dedicated to book
reviews in history/philosophy of science and science and
technology studies, see
The review would need to be 700-1000 words and as the book was a
little late in arriving (and is a 2007 imprint), I'd need a
fairly quick turnaround (within 1.5 months) and could provide a
complimentary hard cover copy of the book immediately.
Can you please email me directly (off the list) if you are
interested, or if generally you would be interested in reviewing
books for this journal? I'm the subeditor for philosophy of
medicine and bioethics, but generally I also get sent anything
sociological/historical on women's health and related issues.
Many thanks! Rachel
Dr Rachel A. Ankeny
Associate Professor, School of History and Politics
The University of Adelaide
Napier Building
Adelaide SA 5005 AUSTRALIA
voice: +61-8-8303-5570
fax: +61-8-8303-3443
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