She needs to conduct in depth qualitative interviews. Ideally, 20-30 of them. Sage has lots of qualitative research methods books.
Andrea Kalfoglou
Assistant Professor
Health Administration & Policy Program
Department of Sociology/Anthropology
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
On Jun 11, 2008, at 2:30 AM, [log in to unmask] wrote:
Dear FABsters
I am addressing you on behalf of a doctoral student in our Bioethics
Graduate Program (I am a member of her committee). She is interested in
research on ethical decision-making in neonatal intensive care units.
Based on her lit. and research review she finds plenty of work on decision
making focusing on medical doctors, nursing personnel etc. However, she
has not been able to locate much literature and research on
ethical-decision making by parents. Also, much of the research on parents
--at least what she has been able to locate-- appears to address parental
ethical decision-making indirectly (through perceptions of medical and
nursing personnel). Since the particular subject is outside my immediate
area of expertise (but I will be working with the student on research
design) I was wondering if any of you would have any suggestions for
research on parental decision-making from the perspective of the parents.
Thank you in advance
Vassiliki Petoussi
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