Dear Colleagues,
Students from the School of Design at the University of Quebec at Montreal, in Canada, have created a very interesting on-line image bank. It includes powerful and provocative images on a number of issues that many of us are engaged with. I recommend it to you. The website and a general description follow.
Carolyn Ells, PhD
McGill University
CONCEPTS FOR ALL is an Internet image bank offering without charge immediate downloads of visual concepts related to humanitarian causes.
The main topics are: human rights, the environment, refugee and immigration issues, racism, disease prevention, war and violence, abuse of women and children, illiteracy, social isolation, etc
The aim of CONCEPTS FOR ALL is to assist non-governmental and non-profit organizations at work in the Developing World by providing their communication needs with powerful visual metaphors through which meanings and messages can be easily understood.
All images are copyright-free and can be downloaded instantly without charge by the interested parties. They can be used for posters, brochures, pamphlets, or, as digital images, for electronic mailing. There is no accompanying text, but words can be inserted afterward by users according to their needs and in their own language.