ETHICS & THE ENVIRONMENT, an international journal published by Indiana University Press, provides an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and practical articles, discussions, and book reviews in the broad area encompassed by environmental philosophy. Possible topics include conceptual approaches in ecological philosophy, such as ecological feminism and deep ecology, as they apply to issues such as cloning, genetically modified organisms, new reproductive technology, war and militarism, environmental education and management, ecological economics, and ecosystem health. We encourage submissions offering new and imaginative conceptions of what counts as an “environmental issue.”
Manuscripts may be submitted as word files at any time via e-mail to [log in to unmask] For matters of style, consult The Chicago Manual of Style. Upon acceptance, an abstract of 100 words will be required. To view recent issues, visit
Melissa Link
Managing Editor
Ethics & the Environment
University of Georgia
Department of Philosophy
Peabody Hall
Athens, GA 30602
Tel: (706)542-2362
Fax: (706)542-2839
E-mail: [log in to unmask]