Dear Lisa and Felicia,
this is quite an achievement and nobody here is under any delusions as to the
difficulty in pulling this off.
I think this calls for some celebration! Therefore I have posted a link to the
book, to extracts which are available on line, and to the review and your
respective websites on my Women's Health and Studies page:
And I also added a human face :)
----- Message from [log in to unmask] ---------
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:38:26 -0400
From: RosieTong <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: one of ours in JAMA
To: [log in to unmask]
> Way to go, Lisa!!!
> Rosie
> On 3/30/08 6:21 PM, "Wendy Rogers" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Dear Lisa,
>> Fantastic news well done. I¹m about to order my copy.
>> (Please bring some copies of the review and flyers for the book to
>> Croatia if
>> you can, so that we can showcase you there.)
>> Regards,
>> Wendy
>> Wendy A Rogers
>> Associate Professor, Medical Ethics and Health Law
>> Department of Medical Education
>> Flinders University
>> GPO Box 2100, Adelaide SA 5001
>> Tel: 08 8204 3132
>> From: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>> On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
>> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 10:25 PM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: one of ours in JAMA
>> Dear Fabsters,
>> Our own Lisa Eckenweiler is probably too modest to tell you herself that her
>> recent collection The Ethics of Bioethics: Mapping the Moral
>> Landscape, edited
>> with Felilcia G. Cohn, has received an outstanding review in the March 19
>> issue of JAMA.
>> Congratulations Lisa!
>> Best, Mary
>> Edited by Lisa A. Eckenwiler and Felicia G. Cohn
>> 352 pp, $50.25
>> Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007
>> ISBN-13 978-0-8018-8612-6
>> for all persons involvedwith bioethics.Thiswell-written,wellorganized
>> paperback seeks to analyze themany facets of ethics
>> in the field of bioethics. Several authors discuss the issue
>> of a code of ethics for bioethics, provide the reader with insight
>> and background on the debate, and explain the rationale
>> that has led to a lack of any such code. Furthermore, authors
>> discuss many important considerations for those who
>> ³practice bioethics² orwho lead institutions that employ bioethicists.
>> Topics range fromthe obligations of hospital-based
>> clinical ethics consultants and those of research ethics consultants
>> employed by private industry to issues of mentorship
>> and obligations to society. The chapters provide a clear
>> background to help the reader understand the current status
>> of the field, wherein the authors criticize bioethicists, institutions,
>> and organizations when appropriate.
>> Perhaps what makes this volume so important and unusual
>> is the evenhandedness of the text. Readers are given
>> 1370 JAMA, March 19, 2008‹Vol 299, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2008 American Medical
>> Association. All rights reserved.
>> Downloaded from at Johns Hopkins University, on March 25, 2008
>> point-counterpoint arguments for several key concepts. Tris
>> Engelhardt provides an eloquent argument as to why bioethics
>> should not, and indeed cannot, adopt a uniformcode
>> of ethics, while in the following chapter Mary Faith Marshall
>> demonstrates why developing and implementing such
>> a code is essential. Similarly, Alta Charo provides a scathing
>> analysis of the current rise of neoconservative ethics,
>> while Griffin Trotter discusses his perspectives and concerns
>> regarding various academic bioethicists. It is this backand-
>> forth between experts that makes The Ethics of Bioethics
>> particularly fascinating and informative.
>> To Eckenwiler and Cohn¹s credit, they have managed to
>> compile chapters written by preeminent leaders in the field.
>> Often, when one amasses such an esteemed assembly of experts,
>> the outcome leaves one feeling that many have based
>> their contribution on their prestige rather than their contribution
>> to the text. I commend the editors and the authors
>> of all chapters because they clearly have delved deeply
>> into their own experiences and thoughts and have produced
>> chapters rich in content and analysis. Indeed, I found
>> that I was simply unable to put this book down. No other
>> work has so centrally confronted the issues of ethics in the
>> field of bioethics, and clearly the field is in need of such a
>> critical assessment. Readers are unlikely to findmany ³here
>> iswhat you should do² answers; rather, likemost good clinical
>> ethics consultations, one will walk away from the experience
>> with greater insight, recommendations on how one
>> might proceed, and likely more questions than when one
>> began. The Ethics of Bioethics should be at the top of the reading
>> list for everyone currently training in bioethics, involvedwith
>> clinical and/or research ethics consultation, pursuing
>> an academic career in bioethics, or running institutions
>> employing bioethicists, as well as others interested in this
>> growing and fascinating field.
>> Alexander A. Kon, MD
>> Department of Pediatrics and Bioethics
>> University of California, Davis
>> Sacramento
>> [log in to unmask]
>> Financial Disclosures: None reported.
>> ©
>> Professor Mary C. Rawlinson
>> Editor, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
>> ([log in to unmask])
>> Department of Philosophy
>> Stony Brook University
>> Stony Brook, New York
>> U.S.A 11794
>> TEL: 631-632-7570
>> FAX: 631-666-3726
> Rosemarie Tong, Ph.D.
> Distinguished Professor for Health Care Ethics
> Department of Philosophy
> Director
> Center for Professional and Applied Ethics
> UNC Charlotte
> 9201 University City Boulevard
> Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
> O-704-687-2850
> F-704-687-6943
> [log in to unmask]
----- End message from [log in to unmask] -----
Dr Michael Goodyear
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Canada
Email: [log in to unmask]
Resource directory:
Work 902-473-6015 Home 902-420-9680 Cell/Mobile 902-476-2053