FAB has just been invited by the World Medical Association to offer
comments and suggestions for a revision of the Declaration of Helsinki.
The deadline for submissions to the WMA is August 21. Despite the limited
time available, it’s essential that we respond to the WMA’s call in order
to affirm FAB’s commitment to international engagement and collaboration,
and to take advantage of an opportunity to enrich an important
international policy document. Very exciting!!
This is a call for self-nominations to participate in the FAB working
group. Please encourage your colleagues to nominate themselves. The Board
will make the final selection of goup members.
Because of the time constraints, the Board regards this as an opportunity
to offer strategic, not lengthy commentary. We hope to accomplish three
major things in a three to five page document:
1. introduce a feminist perspective on research ethics
2. identify elements found in other international research ethics
documents that are important from a feminist perspective yet absent from
the Declaration of Helsinki
3. select specific portions of the Declaration that call for revision
By JUNE 18, please submit name, contact information, and a description of
expertise to:
[log in to unmask]
JUNE 18.
Lisa A. Eckenwiler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Co Director, Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
757.683.3870 (telephone)
757.683.5345 (fax)