Debora - One possibility is Rick Kittles, an African
American PhD medical geneticist at the University of Chicago
who knows a lot about genetic testing and screening for
sickle cell disease. He can be contacted by e-mail at
[log in to unmask]
Best wishes,
mary mahowald
---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 17:13:49 -0300
>From: Debora Diniz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: genetic counseling and bioethics
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Dear all,
>One of my PhD candidates is studying Brazilian genetic
screening program on
>sickle cell anemia. During his Master degree he did a
research with the same
>topic and he was a Ford Foundation grantee for minority
>He is applying for a 9 months scholarship at Fulbright. His
chances of
>getting the scholarship are high, which will cover his
living expenses,
>trip, etc. The scholarship will be for the next year.
>I wonder if some of you are interested in the topic. His
stay in USA will be
>to exchange ideas, to do research, to participate in
seminars, etc. Of
>course he will be happy to participate in all academic
activities during his
>If you know someone who would be interested in his topic
and happy to
>welcome him during 9 months, please let me know.
>My best regards,
>Debora Diniz