This position was recently advertised on the Jobs for Philosophers page of
the American Philosophical Association website. But the deadline for
applications given in that notice has now been extended. Please note: all
applications must be submitted online. The Unit for HPS at Sydney is keen to
receive applications from women.
Shelley Tremain
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor (Level B, C or D)
Unit for History and Philosophy of Science
Faculty of Science
Reference No. 101698
The Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) of the University
of Sydney is seeking to appoint a Lecturer at Lecturer Level B, Senior
Lecturer Level C or Associate Professor Level D. The rank and
remuneration of the appointee will depend on teaching experience and
research accomplishment and potential, and a strong record in both is
necessary. This appointment will be continuing (tenure track).
The Unit has a special need in the history, philosophy or sociology of
biology and/or medicine, however candidates with exceptional
qualifications in other areas will also be considered. The successful
candidate will be expected to cooperate throughout HPS, and ideally,
will demonstrate the ability to converse with scientists and scholars
from other disciplines.
The University of Sydney is committed to and values the principles of
equal employment opportunity and cultural diversity. The University of
Sydney is an EOWA Employer of Choice for Women and welcomes applicants
from a broad range of backgrounds.
The Unit for HPS is part of the Faculty of Science, and draws
undergraduate and postgraduate students from both science and the
humanities. This appointment recognises its continuous growth in
student numbers, scholarly output and competitive funding, and the
successful candidates will be expected to actively contribute to the
expansion of the Unit’s international reputation for excellence in
teaching and research.
Remuneration package for Lecturer Level B: $83,363 - $98,993 p.a.
(which includes a base salary Lecturer Level B $70,443 - $83,651 p.a.,
leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation)
Remuneration package for Senior Lecturer Level C: $102,118 - $117,642
p.a. (which includes a base salary Senior Lecturer Level C $86,291 -
$99,499 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to
Remuneration package for Associate Professor Level D: $122,791 -
$135,150 p.a. (which includes a base salary Level D $103,900 - $114,463
p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer's contribution to
Applications should include a letter describing past and current
research and teaching experience; CV containing a list of publications
and the names; addresses; email; fax and phone numbers of three to four
confidential referees (do not include any letters of reference with
your initial application).
All applications must be completed online; please visit and search by reference number 101698.
Specific enquiries about the role can be directed to Dr. Ofer Gal:
[log in to unmask] or to Dr. Hans Pols: [log in to unmask] and
for general enquires contact Fabrice Noël on (+61 2) 9036 7295.
Closing: 11 June 2007 (approved extension of first deadline posted)
The University is a non-smoking workplace and reserves the right not to
proceed with any appointment for financial or other reasons.
Dr Shelley Tremain
Sesquicentenary Lecturer in Bioethics
Associate Editor for Disability Studies, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
Sydney Bioethics Program
Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine (VELiM)
Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (HPS)
Medical Foundation Bldg (K25)
92-94 Parramatta Rd
University of Sydney
Email: [log in to unmask]
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