Dear all! Buenos Aires still is a developing world city...since a big
storm two days ago I'm without sorry for not asnwering as
soon as I can get normal access (I'm in a borrowed computer)! if there is
anything urgent please send it again!
Dear all,
> I would like to draw your attention to our annual Biomedical Ethics
> Summer School (please see below), in case you know of anyone who might
> be eligible and interested to attend. This year the Summer School has as
> its theme "Public Health: justice, autonomy and the common good".
> Best wishes,
> Jacob Leveridge
> Biomedical Ethics Programme Officer
> Wellcome Trust, UK
> "Public Health: justice, autonomy and
> the common good"
> 10TH - 12TH SEPTEMBER 2007
> Call for Applications
> A residential summer school will be held on 10th - 12th September at
> Stamford Hall, University of Leicester, UK.
> The course is sponsored by the Wellcome Trust as part of its programme
> to support research into the ethics of biomedical science.
> The aims of the Summer School are to:
> * Explore some of the ethical, social, legal and policy issues
> that arise in public health in both the domestic and international
> context, and to examine how upcoming events (such as the emergence of
> new infectious diseases or the establishment of the NHS's electronic
> health records) may raise new questions and challenges;
> * Expand awareness of a variety of research methods that can be
> employed in biomedical ethics research;
> * Stimulate and provide practical advice on grant applications to
> the Biomedical Ethics funding programme;
> * Highlight excellence in and explore the application of
> biomedical ethics research.
> Who is the course designed for?
> Applications are invited from junior researchers (ie PhDs, new postdocs)
> in disciplines relevant to biomedical ethics, including (though not
> restricted to) the following: philosophy, social sciences, law,
> political sciences and theology. We will consider applications from
> those based in the UK and those in developing countries.
> Applications are also invited from established researchers in the
> biomedical sciences who wish to move into the field of biomedical
> ethics.
> What will the course cover?
> The School will involve a mixture of plenary and research methods
> sessions. The plenaries will address the state of public health
> science; researching the ethical, legal, social and policy implications
> of developments in public health; the ethics of research and treatment;
> and, getting research into policy and practice. In addition, there will
> be sessions on the changes to the Biomedical Ethics grants programme, a
> grants workshop (looking at what makes a good grant application and how
> to get funded), a presentation from a current Biomedical Ethics
> grantholder, and a practical exercise that looks at the grant funding
> process from the Funding Committee's point of view.
> Other information
> Up to 30 successful applicants will have their travel costs, subsistence
> and accommodation covered.
> For further information and an application form, please send an e-mail
> to Jackie Titley - [log in to unmask]
> The closing date is 1st June. Late applications will not be considered.
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