Dear all,
I would like to draw your attention to our annual Biomedical Ethics
Summer School (please see below), in case you know of anyone who might
be eligible and interested to attend. This year the Summer School has as
its theme "Public Health: justice, autonomy and the common good".
Best wishes,
Jacob Leveridge
Biomedical Ethics Programme Officer
Wellcome Trust, UK
"Public Health: justice, autonomy and
the common good"
10TH - 12TH SEPTEMBER 2007
Call for Applications
A residential summer school will be held on 10th - 12th September at
Stamford Hall, University of Leicester, UK.
The course is sponsored by the Wellcome Trust as part of its programme
to support research into the ethics of biomedical science.
The aims of the Summer School are to:
* Explore some of the ethical, social, legal and policy issues
that arise in public health in both the domestic and international
context, and to examine how upcoming events (such as the emergence of
new infectious diseases or the establishment of the NHS's electronic
health records) may raise new questions and challenges;
* Expand awareness of a variety of research methods that can be
employed in biomedical ethics research;
* Stimulate and provide practical advice on grant applications to
the Biomedical Ethics funding programme;
* Highlight excellence in and explore the application of
biomedical ethics research.
Who is the course designed for?
Applications are invited from junior researchers (ie PhDs, new postdocs)
in disciplines relevant to biomedical ethics, including (though not
restricted to) the following: philosophy, social sciences, law,
political sciences and theology. We will consider applications from
those based in the UK and those in developing countries.
Applications are also invited from established researchers in the
biomedical sciences who wish to move into the field of biomedical
What will the course cover?
The School will involve a mixture of plenary and research methods
sessions. The plenaries will address the state of public health
science; researching the ethical, legal, social and policy implications
of developments in public health; the ethics of research and treatment;
and, getting research into policy and practice. In addition, there will
be sessions on the changes to the Biomedical Ethics grants programme, a
grants workshop (looking at what makes a good grant application and how
to get funded), a presentation from a current Biomedical Ethics
grantholder, and a practical exercise that looks at the grant funding
process from the Funding Committee's point of view.
Other information
Up to 30 successful applicants will have their travel costs, subsistence
and accommodation covered.
For further information and an application form, please send an e-mail
to Jackie Titley - [log in to unmask]
The closing date is 1st June. Late applications will not be considered.
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