American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities [ASBH]
Philosophy Affinity Group
Call for Abstracts: 2007 Meeting
Richard Zaner, a phenomenologist and clinical ethicist, recently wrote, “I
believe that the practice of clinical ethics is of a piece with the
practice, if I may so express it, of philosophy; vice versa, the ‘‘doing’’
of philosophy – which is to say, systematic and highly focused reflective
practice – is the same, ultimately, as what is done in the practice of
clinical ethics.”
Connections between the practice of philosophy, in particular the aspects
of philosophy outside of practical ethics, and the understanding of
clinical ethics extend to many if not most areas associated with the
traditional practice of philosophy. The understanding of these
philosophical endeavors, and their interaction with clinical ethics, will
have significant implications for the understanding and practice of
clinical ethics.
The Philosophy Affinity Group of ASBH welcomes abstracts of papers in any
area of philosophy that show the interaction and/or value of that area of
philosophy for the understanding and practice of clinical or medical
ethics, for presentation at the ASBH Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, in
October 2007. We welcome abstracts from all areas of philosophy, though we
will show a preference for abstracts discussing aspects of philosophy
outside of ethics.
Abstracts of no more than 750 words should be submitted electronically by
June 15 to:
Stephen S. Hanson
Crown Life Fellow in Bioethics
Institute for Bioethics, Health Policy, and Law
University of Louisville
501 East Broadway, Suite 310
Louisville, KY 40202
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(502) 852-3984 or (502) 852-6614
Toby L. Schonfeld, PhD
Associate Professor
College of Public Health
University of Nebraska Medical Center
986075 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-6075
phone: 402-559-2921 or 1-800-626-8431, ext. 92921
fax: 402-559-3773
email: [log in to unmask]
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