Hi everyone,
Just two quick points of clarifying info. from the book review editor for
*Please use the following ODU contact information below through July 15,
Lisa Eckenwiler
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
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*After that date, please write to me at:
Lisa Eckenwiler
Department of Philosophy
Center for Health Policy Research and Ethics
George Maon University
Robinson B 465
4400 University Drive, MS 3F1
Fairfax, VA, 22030
Lisa A. Eckenwiler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Co Director, Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
757.683.3870 (telephone)
757.683.5345 (fax)
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Carolyn McLeod
<[log in to unmask]>
Sent by: Feminist To
Approaches to [log in to unmask]
Bioethics cc
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.EDU> Subject
CFP: The new FAB journal! Hurrah!
04/03/2007 08:00
Please respond to
Approaches to
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Dear FABsters,
Here it is: the first call for papers for our very own journal!! The
“I.J.FAB”). The journal will be published by Indiana University Press and
edited by Mary Rawlinson at Stony Brook University.
IJFAB is the official journal of FAB (the international network on Feminist
Approaches to Bioethics).
From 2008, subscription to IJFAB will automatically be included in FAB
membership. The first issue will be published in April 2008. We hope that
IJFAB will rapidly be recognised as the place to read and publish the very
best of feminist bioethics!
Many of us have worked hard for a long time to bring this project to
fruition. Please help to support FAB in this venture by considering IJFAB
first for publication of your next paper and/or for offering to review
papers. This is especially important in the first years of IJFAB’s
existence, as the journal becomes established. As with all of FAB’s
activities, we rely upon our members for success. And if you are not a
member or have not renewed your membership lately, please consider doing
so, in part so that you can support our wonderful new journal!
All the best,
Wendy Rogers and Carolyn McLeod (FAB Co-coordinators)
The International Journal on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB)
provides a new forum within bioethics for feminist thought and debate.
Sponsored by the International Network on Feminist Approaches to
Bioethics (FAB), IJFAB welcomes feminist scholarship on ethical issues
related to health, health care, and the biomedical sciences. IJFAB aims
to demonstrate clearly the necessity and distinctive contributions of
feminist scholarship to bioethics.
IJFAB invites submissions on any topic in bioethics. The Editorial
Office will be ready to receive submissions after May 15. More detailed
information for authors and instructions for submitting papers will be
available later this spring on the Indiana University Press website. In
the interim please direct all inquiries to [log in to unmask]
Articles should not exceed 8,000 words (roughly 32 manuscript pages).
Shorter articles are welcome. In addition to research papers, we invite
submissions for our sections “Conversations” and “Commentaries.”
“Conversations” provides a forum for a public dialogue on particular
issues in bioethics. We encourage scholars engaged in fruitful exchanges
to share those discussions here. Submissions for this section should be
limited to 3000 words. For “Commentaries” we invite short analyses
(under 2000 words) of specific policy issues, legislation, court
decisions, or other contemporary developments within bioethics. IJFAB
will also include a Book Review section. Book reviews are typically
solicited; however, we strongly encourage authors to submit their books
to the Book Review Editor for consideration for review. We also invite
proposals for review essays that survey several texts in a particular
field. Books and inquiries should be directed to Lisa Eckenwiler,
Department of Philosophy, Center for Health Policy Research and Ethics,
Robinson B 465, 4400 University Drive, MS 3F1, 22030, (703) 993-1290
[log in to unmask]
The journal also solicits papers addressing the following themes:
Vol. I, no. 1 Doing Feminist Bioethics
The inaugural issue of IJFAB will address the distinctive contributions
of feminist scholars to bioethics. For this issue the journal solicits
papers on any topic in bioethics that demonstrate why gender matters in
bioethics and how feminist scholarship advances the field by shaping its
methods, problems, and concepts. Deadline for submission: August 1,
Vol. I, no.2 Health and Justice in a Global Context
This issue provides an opportunity to bring scholarship in feminist
bioethics to bear on public policy, by exploring the connection between
social justice and health in an international context. Topics may
include public health, the economics of health care, access to care,
environmental justice and health, or gender inequity in research and
care. Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2008
Vol. II, no. 1 Transnational Dialogues in Feminist Bioethics
With this issue IJFAB seeks to encourage debate across national
boundaries around issues in bioethics. We invite collaborative
submissions that approach any topic in bioethics from different national
perspectives. Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2008.
All submitted papers should be prepared for anonymous review, with any
identifying references deleted. Authors should submit a separate title
page, including contact information, as well as a statement that the
paper has not been published previously and is not under consideration
for publication elsewhere. Papers should include an abstract (under 250
words) and 3-5 key words. Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word,
as email attachments.
Carolyn McLeod
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Western Ontario
Talbot College
London, ON Canada
N6A 3K7
Tel: 519-661-2111, ext. 85877
Fax: 519-661-3922