If I were to organize a very informal weekend (July 8-9) of talks (could be
work in progress) and relaxation in Greece this summer, would anybody be
interested? Cost would be minimal once you were there (maybe $30-40 a day
if you choose the tent option). Housing would be tents (for free) or rooms
in a nearby village (at cost). 5 minute walk to the beach, good food,
lovely rural environment, flush toilets, hot water, electricity!.
For a better idea of environment, etc. see
http://halai.arts.cornell.edu/wwwroot/chelp/travinfo.htm and associated
Laura M. Purdy
Professor of Philosophy
Ruth and Albert Koch Professor of Humanities
Wells College
Aurora, NY 13026
Phone: 315 364 3244
Fax: 315 364 3415
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