Congratulations Sue! I am very pleased that you won this presigious
award. Carolyn Ells
Quoting Susan Dodds <[log in to unmask]>:
> Dear FABsters and FEASTers,
> I am delighted to announce the award of a major career achievement
> prize to one of our most loyal FAB members and former FAB
> co-coordinator, Sue Sherwin. The award to Sue of the Killam Prize
> recognizes Sue's immense contribution to philosophy, bioethics and
> women's studies. In addition, it grants a new level of academic
> recognition to feminist bioethics. I have included an excerpt from
> the Canada Council's press release announcing the prize, further
> information can be found at
> I hope that you will all join me in congratulating Sue on this
> outstanding achievement.
> regards,
> Sue
> Co-Coordinator International Network on Feminist Approaches to
> Bioethics (FAB)
> School of English Literatures, Philosophy and Languages
> University of Wollongong NSW 2522 AUSTRALIA
> phone: +61 2 4221 3621
> fax: +61 2 4221 5341
> ***********************************************************
> From the Canada Council Press Release---
> Ottawa, March 27, 2006 – Five prominent researchers from the
> National Research Council of Canada, Université de Montréal,
> University of British Columbia, McGill University and Dalhousie
> University will be honoured with the 2006 Killam Prizes, Canada’s
> most distinguished annual awards for outstanding career achievements
> in engineering, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and
> health sciences.
> The $100,000 awards to Paul Corkum, Jean-Marie Dufour, B. Brett
> Finlay, Roderick Guthrie and Susan Sherwin were announced today by
> the Canada Council for the Arts, which administers the Killam program.
> This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Killam Prizes, which were
> inaugurated in 1981 and financed through funds donated to the Canada
> Council by Mrs. Dorothy J. Killam in memory of her husband, Izaak
> Walton Killam. The Prizes were created to honour eminent Canadian
> scholars and scientists actively engaged in research, whether in
> industry, government agencies or universities. When the Canada
> Council was created in 1957, its mandate was to support both the arts
> and scholarly research; although this changed with the creation of
> separate research councils, the Canada Council retained
> responsibility for the Killam program. The Killam Fund at the Canada
> Council was valued at approximately $58 million as of March 31, 2005.
> The Killam Trusts, which fund scholarship and research at four
> Canadian universities, a research institute and the Canada Council,
> are valued at approximately $400 million.
> Susan Sherwin – Humanities (Dalhousie University)
> Susan Sherwin is an internationally acclaimed scholar in the field of
> feminist bioethics – that is, the relationship between gender and
> ethics in medicine and health care. She is currently a Professor of
> Philosophy and Gender and Women’s Studies at Dalhousie University
> and also teaches in the university’s Department of Bioethics.
> Although Dr. Sherwin’s graduate training began in the logic and
> philosophy of mathematics, it quickly evolved into health care ethics
> and feminist philosophy. In the mid-1980s, she combined these two
> areas of research to consider the implications of a distinctively
> feminist approach to bioethics. In 1992, she published No Longer
> Patient: Feminist Ethics and Health Care, the first book to deal
> specifically with feminism and health care ethics. She was
> coordinator of the Feminist Health Care Ethics Research Network and
> has served on various advisory boards at both the national and
> international levels, including Heath Canada’s Advisory Committee
> on Reproductive and Genetic Technologies. In 2000, Dr. Sherwin was
> awarded the Sarah Shorten Award for her contributions to the status
> of women in Canadian universities and in 2004 was named Distinguished
> Women Philosopher of the Year by the Society for Women in Philosophy
> in the United States. Dr. Sherwin holds a BA from York University and
> a PhD from Stanford University.
> http: //