Dear Susan,
I'm very happy for you!
We are proud of you!
My congratulations...form Italy
Gaia Marsico
Coordinatrice REM
Research group on Rights & Ethics in Medicine
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Segreteria-Coordinamento c/o:
Centro Studi SIFO/Lab.di Epidemiologia Assistenziale e Sistemi Informatici
Consorzio Mario Negri Sud - via Nazionale - 66030 Santa Maria Imbaro
Tel. 0872.570280 Fax 0872/570248
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Susan Sherwin ha scritto:
>Dear friends and colleagues,
>I want to thank everyone for their warm congratulations on the amazing news
>regarding my winning the Killam Prize. I am still in a state of disbelief,
>myself. I am very proud that feminist bioethics has received such significant
>recognition. Together with Donna Dickenson's award earlier in the year, I think
>we can agree that the field is officially on the map of serious academic
>research. I also want to acknowledge that my work is very heavily indebted to
>the work of so many others in our network. I take inspiration from somany of
>you. In a lively and growing field like feminist bioethics, ideas are quite
>intertwined. So thank you for providing such a supportive, stimulating network.
>My very best wishes to all,
>Sue Sherwin
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