----- Forwarded message from Rebecca Garden <[log in to unmask]> -----
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:59:05 -0500
From: Rebecca Garden <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Rebecca Garden <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [Lit-med] job: director of medical humanities
To: [log in to unmask]
Director of Medical Humanities (Full-time) in Reno, NV
Salary: Open
Type: Full Time - Experienced
>> The position of Director of Medical Humanities in the Office of Medical
Education is responsible for the development of the new Division of Medical
Humanities including program development, implementation, and evaluation of
both curriculum and programming. This position serves as the central
organizer of humanities and ethics programs within the University of Nevada,
School of Medicine. This position also consults with faculty on difficult
ethical patient cases and collaborates with the Nevada Center for Ethics &
Health Policy and will collaborate with other humanities faculty within the
campus community for the enrichment of the medical school programs.
>> Requirements:
Doctorate in Medical Humanities or Ethics from a regionally accredited
institution with a concentration in Bioethics or related field. Two years
professional work experience to include: 1) development of bioethics or
medical humanities curriculum at an LCME accredited medical school; 2)
graduate and medical student teaching at an LCME accredited institution; and
3) administrative role managing medical humanities or bioethics educational
programs in a university or medical school setting. For full consideration,
apply online at http://jobs.unr.edu by February 27, 2006. You will be
prompted to attach a letter of application, C.V./resume, and contact
information of three references with your online application.
>> Required Education: Doctorate
>> Apply online at http://jobboard.aamc.org/jobdetail.cfm?job=2277341.32
Lit-med mailing list
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