It sounds like we may have two panels in the works here--which would be
terrific, especially if both get accepted. I'd be very interested in
working with Lisa as I am thinking about intra-familial justice and how to
negotiate the mutual and interdependent interests of
caregivers/care-receivers within the family. This builds on relational
autonomy and centers on how mutual interests are negotiated in and out of
medical care contexts.
Helene Starks, PhD MPH
Assistant Professor
University of Washington
Dept. of Medical History & Ethics
Box 357120
Seattle, WA 98195-7120
Voice: 206-543-9724
Fax: 206-685-7515
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Lisa Eckenwiler wrote:
> Not to be greedy . . . . but in addition to the excellent ideas re:
> reproduction and ethics, I'm working on justice and caregiving in the
> context of globalization (what does justice require for caregivers, unpaid
> and paid, esp. women imported from developing countries to serve as nurse
> aides for the dependent elderly, for ex). If others would be interested in
> developing a panel on this I'd be happy to help.
> all best,
> Lisa
> Lisa A. Eckenwiler, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Co Director, Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs
> Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
> Old Dominion University
> Norfolk, VA 23529
> 757.683.3870 (telephone)
> 757.683.5345 (fax)
> Spring 2006:
> Visiting Fellow
> Center for American Progress
> 1333 H Street NW
> 10th floor
> Washington, DC 20005
> 202.682.1611 (telephone)
> 202.682.1867 (fax)
> To [log in to unmask]
> cc
> bcc
> Subject Re: ASBH panel?
> Carolyn McLeod <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent by: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics <[log in to unmask]>
> 02/13/2006 02:16 PM
> <HR><font size=-1>Please respond to
> Feminist Approaches to Bioethics <[log in to unmask]></font><HR>
> <font size=-1></font>
> I'd be open to participating on such a panel as well. I'm doing work these
> days on conscientious objection by reproductive health care providers.
> best,
> Carolyn
> Laura Purdy wrote:
> I think we could use a panel on dealing with the rollback of women's sexual
> and reproductive rights caused by the religious right. Would be open to
> participating.
> Laura
> At 12:08 PM 2/13/2006, you wrote:
> Dear Toby: Please remind me of the dates for the ASBH......I haven't
> done anything at an ASBH and depending on the topic would like to be on a
> panel.......but I'd like to keep things really open-ended on my end until
> I hear some ideas surface....
> Best,
> Rosie
> ---------- From: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics on behalf of Toby L
> Schonfeld Reply To: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Sent: Monday,
> February 13, 2006 10:40 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject:
> ASBH panel?
> Dear FABsters:
> At ASBH in October, several of the attendees expressed interest in having a
> panel sponsored by/peopled by FAB members at the next ASBH meeting. Is
> there still interest in this? I'd be happy to help submit a proposal if
> there was interest. Please respond to this message (on or off list) with
> ideas for the topic and participants in such a panel. The deadline for
> submissions looms large (March 1), so we'd have to put this together soon.
> Best,
> Toby Schonfeld
> ****************************************************************** Toby L.
> Schonfeld, PhD Assistant Professor, Section on Humanities and Law
> Department of Preventive & Societal Medicine University of Nebraska
> Medical Center
> ****************************************************************** Local
> Address: Annex 4, Room 2005 38th Avenue and Leavenworth Street
> Mailing Address: University of Nebraska Medical Center 986075 Nebraska
> Medical CenterOmaha, NE 68198-6075 phone: 402-559-2921 or 1-800-626-8431,
> ext. 92921 fax: 402-559-3773 email: [log in to unmask] web:
> ************************************************************** University
> of Nebraska Medical Center E-Mail Confidentiality Disclaimer: The
> information in this e-mail may be privileged and confidential, intended
> only for the use of the addressee(s) above. Any unauthorized use or
> disclosure of this information is prohibited. If you have received this
> e-mail by mistake, please delete it and immediately contact the sender.
> Laura M. Purdy
> Professor of Philosophy
> Ruth and Albert Koch Professor of Humanities
> Wells College
> Aurora, NY 13026
> Phone: 315 364 3244
> Fax: 315 364 3415
> [log in to unmask]
> --
> Carolyn McLeod
> Assistant Professor
> University of Western Ontario
> Department of Philosophy
> Talbot College 410
> London, ON
> N6A 3K7
> Tel: (519) 661, 2111, ext. 85877
> Fax: (519) 661-3922