Dear Rebecca, Aida et al,
As yet the call for papers for the FAB conference in Beijing has not
been circulated-- However Jing-Bao Nie, Linying Hu and I have been
working on the call for papers and setting up a website for submission
of abstracts. We hope to be able to circulate the call for papers
within a few weeks now that we have confirmation of the dates from the
Beijing IAB organisers as soon as the website is prepared. The dates
for the FAB conference are 4-6 August and the IAB starts on the
afternoon of the 6th. We are working with the IAB organisers to arrange
joint sessions on the 6th.
I am very pleased to see that there is considerable interest in the
conference and hope that FAB members are looking forward to the
conference as much as I am. Jing-Bao and Linying have done an immense
amount of groundwork in negotiating with our colleagues from the IAB.
Co-Coordinator International Network on Feminist Approaches to
Bioethics (FAB)
FAB Beijing Conference co-organiser
http: //