Dear All:
Sorry to weigh in so late, but I thought I'd suggest another text with a good balanced perspective. Readings in Health Care Ethics by Elisabeth Boetzkes (Gedge) and Wil Waluchow has the following chapter headings:
1. Introduction: Resources for Decision-Making
2. Relationships in Health Care
3. Consent
4. Reproduction
5. Fetal Rights?
6. Screening and Treatment of "Disabled Newborns"
7. Death, Dying, and Euthanasia
8. Research Involving Human Subjects
9. Scarce Medical Resources
10. Acquiring and Distributing Body Parts
11. Genetics
The topics are timely and the price point is reasonable ($56.95 CDN / $47.95 US / £27.99 UK). For those wanting a feminist perspective the readings in the second chapter are especially good as they allow for discussion of family autonomy and cross-cultural sensitivities. The Broadview Press website has a detailed listing of the readings in each chapter
Thanks for the other suggestions - I'll see what I can finagle for my Ethics Committee library.
All the best,
Ann Heesters
Ann M. Heesters B.Ed., B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (ABD)
Clinical Ethicist
AHSC - Regional Health Authority 2
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Dear All --
Thanks VERY much to all who responded to my request for a friend who is
looking for suggestions for texts for courses in contemporary moral
problems and biomedical ethics.
Here are the suggestions I received, occasionally along with comments from
Contemporary Moral Problems:
- Baird, Robert M. and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds. The Ethics of
Abortion: Pro-Life v. Pro-Choice, 3rd ed. (Prometheus Books, 2001).
- Baird, Robert M. and Stuart Rosenbaum, eds. Same-Sex Marriage: The Moral
and Legal Debate 2nd ed (Prometheus Books, 2004).
- Boss, Judith, Analyzing Moral Issues - ". . .used for a big class (240
students) . . .It is far from perfect, but does a credible job with some of
the issues you mentioned. The chapter on feminism, is, in my opinion,
appalling* but I think the rest is pretty good"
- Koggle, Christine, Moral Issues in Global Perspective (Broadview) "It
will be coming out in a 2nd edition that has been expanded into 3 volumes:
one on theories of morality, rights, justice, democracy and applications
of these to various contexts and issues including war and terrorism; one on
issues of discrimination (race, gender, disability, sexual
orientation, poverty); and one on standard moral issues (reproductive
rights, euthanasia and health care, pornography and
censorship, animal rights, and the environment). Each volume and
chapters within the volumes include work by race, feminist, class, and
disability theorists as well as by authors from around the world.
Instructors can select to use one, two, or all three volumes. The second
edition won't be out until December, but the first edition is still
available. It is divided into 3 parts - roughly matching the 3 volumes just
- McDonald, Julie, Contemporary Moral Issues in a Diverse Society (Wadsworth)
- Moreno, Jonathan Arguing Euthanasia: The Controversy Over Mercy
Killing, Assisted Suicide, and the Right to Die (Touchstone, 1995).
- Van Camp, Julie, Applying Ethics (8th ed):
- Van Camp, Julie, Ethical Issues in the Courts (2nd ed.):
Biomedical Ethics:
-Beauchamp, Tom L. and Childress, James, Principles of Biomedical Ethics,
5th ed. (2001). "I still like Beaucamp & Childress, myself, but for an intro
class--especially one that (like mine) is for nursing and allied health
students--I think a broader, less heavy-duty philosophical approach is more
-Boss, Judith and Michael Brannigan, Health Care Ethics in a Diverse Society.
-Gert, B., Culver, C., & Clouser, K. (1997). Bioethics: A Return to
Fundamentals. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-511430-2.
- Munson, Ronald, Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical
Ethics, 7th Ed with Info-Trac. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004 (1) "has a good
chapter addressing race, class, gender, age, etc. in health care. .
. . I've used this for years." (2) "I recently used the textbook below
for an introductory course on bioethics. It has a pretty good sections
on Race, Gender, Medicine as well as articles that offer feminist analyses
of contemp. bioethics issues. As an intro text, I chose it over about 10
others because it pays attention to gender, race, class, ability and
leavens the philosophical analyses with good up-to-date
historical/political context for the issues."
-Steinbock, Bonnie, ed. Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine. "The new
edition includes access to a website of relevant resources, which I haven't
had a chance to look at yet. The book includes lots of primary sources, and
the new version has a new section on 'reprogenetics'."
-Teays, Wanda and Laura Purdy, Bioethics, Justice and Health Care (Belmont:
Wadsworth, 2001).
Moral Phlosophy:
-Bernard Gert (2004). Common Morality: Deciding What To Do. Oxford
University Press. ISBN: 0-19-51737-16.
-Pojman, Louis. ed. The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and
Literature, 2nd. ed. (Oxford University Press, 2004)
-James Rachels (2003). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. 4th Edition.
Again, thank you very, very much.