Subject: proposal for a FAB journal
Dear FAB members,
Following discussion of the IUP proposal for a Journal of Feminist
Bioethics at FAB Business meeting in Sydney in November 2004, a Journal
Steering Committee
was established (Francoise Baylis (chair), Hilde Lindemann, Carolyn
Toby Schonfeld) to evaluate the feasibility and desirability of this
The Committee has submitted its final report to the Board and has
endorsed the view that FAB should establish a Journal of Feminist
with IUP as the publisher. The recommendatiaon specifies that the new
would be available to FAB members as a benefit of membership and this
implications for the FAB dues structure. The Committee has also
that the new Journal replace the newsletter. As appropriate, content
for the
newsletter (such as country reports) would be published in the Journal.
The FAB Board will soon be making a final decision regarding the
Journal, but
before that occurs we would like to ensure that FAB members have an
opportunity to provide the Board with feedback.
The matters that we would like your comments on are, that:
1. FAB create a journal of feminist bioethics with IUP as the publisher.
2. FAB discontinue the newsletter once the Journal is being published
3. FAB revise its membership fee structure to allow the journal
subscription to be incorporated into membership fees
Susan Dodds will collate all responses sent to the FAB-list or to her
([log in to unmask]) by 15 September 2005 and will provide the collated
responses to the Board, so that the Board's decision can be informed by
responses received.
Françoise Baylis and Susan Dodds
FAB co-coordinators
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