Dear Sara,
I would like to know your results, when you have them. Very interesting your
>From: Sara Bellam <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Feminist Approaches to Bioethics <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Vegetarianism and feminism
>Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 20:00:00 -0700
>Hi, I'm working on a paper on feminist perspectives on vegetarianism and
>would like to hear from anyone who has personal experiences (both pro and
>con) on the subject. I am particularly interested in hearing from those who
>have had experiences with feminists who defend meat-eating, and the reasons
>that they provide. I also welcome any experiences you may have to share of
>feminist meetings and conferences, and viewpoints of prominent feminist
>writers, activists etc. (other than those who are active in the animal
>rights/vegetarian movements, since I am familiar with those views).
Chegou o que faltava: MSN Acesso Grátis. Instale Já!