Dear FAB members,
I've just moved to a retirement community. Space for books is a problem,
so I'm now disposing of my books to people who wish to use them. You're
invited to make requests. (Maybe 1/4 of my books have already been
given to libraries (Univ. of Waikato in New Zealand, for example),
to local student researchers, and (for cash) to book dealers.)
The books I list are mostly on feminist analyses of reproductive
technologies, but include a range of other bioethics issues and feminist
tomes. Most are dated from about 1975 to 1999. Some are written by the
now sexagenarian and septuagenarian feminists who founded Women's
Studies Programs.
All books are gifts, except that you are asked to cover shipping costs.
I'm not going to waste listserv space with lists of books nor with
calculations of shipping costs. If you're interested, simply ask me to
send you personally the MSWord e-mail attachments: "Shipping and
Handling," "Books by Authors "A - F," and/or "Books by Authors G - J."
Lists for books of authors K and later are still under preparation and
will be announced when they are ready. Now, if your e-mail system has
problems with attachments, I can put that info into the body of a
message, but then it loses its helpful formats.
Anyone may ask for these attachments, even if you have no plans to
request books.
Currently I do not list books that may continue to be useful in my
ongoing research area, namely unexpressed underlying assumptions and
ethical/ social implications of the Human Genome Project as applied to
IVF technology, cloning, and stem-cell hype.
Special to FAB members: If you want to pre-empt a request for a book:
by an author K and beyond, or by any author writing in areas related to
my research concentration, simply ask me if such-and-such is in my
collection. I might decide your need is more worthy than mine!
Homes for Holmes books!
Becky Holmes
201 Spencer Drive
Amherst MA 01002-3365
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