I will certanly vote for our feminist colleagues, both for the need of the rep
at IAB, but also for the quality of many of them whom I know
Mensaje citado por Rachel Ankeny <[log in to unmask]>:
> Calling all FAB members!
> The International Association of Bioethics has just issued its 2005
> ballot for the election of nine new members to its Board of Directors.
> Continuing members of the Board who are also FAB members are:
> Florencia Luna (Argentina, Latin America/Caribbean, president);
> Debora Diniz (Brazil, Latin America/Caribbean); and
> Rosemarie Tong (USA, North America).
> Among the twenty-three nominees for the open board positions
> are five FAB members, namely:
> Jing-Bao Nie (New Zealand/China, Australia and the Pacific)
> Susan Dodds (Australia, Australia and the Pacific)
> Jocelyn Downie (Canada, North America)
> Hans-Martin Sass (Germany, Europe)
> Jacqueline Scully (Switzerland, Europe)
> If you are a member of IAB (this means that you have paid up your dues
> for the year--instructions available on the IAB website), please consider
> voting
> for our own. A strong FAB presence on the IAB Board and participation
> of FAB members as active members of IAB allows us to work more effectively
> together, particularly in planning future congresses.
> To vote and to renew your dues, go to
> http://bioethics-international.org/membership
> Deadline is 30 April 2005.
> All best wishes,
> Rachel A. Ankeny, Membership Secretary and
> Francoise Baylis, Co-Coordinator
> Dr Rachel A. Ankeny
> Membership Secretary and Advisory Board Member
> International Network on Feminist Approaches
> to Bioethics (FAB)
> www.fabnet.org
> Mailing Address:
> Unit for History and Philosophy of Science
> F07 Carslaw Building
> The University of Sydney
> +61-2-9351-4801 (voice)
> +61-2-9351-4124 (fax) / main office 9351-4226
> www.usyd.edu.au/hps
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