AMA Head Likens Gays To Coca Cola Or Rape
by Doug Windsor New York Bureau
Posted: February 15, 2005 12:01 am. ET
(White Plains, New York) The president of the American Medical Association
has come to the defense of New York Medical College under attack for
banning a gay students group from campus.
In an interview with the Westchester Journal News AMA President John Nelson
said as a private institution the college has the right to set and enforce
its own policies.
Nelson then said that the school was acting no differently than Brigham
Young University in banning Coca-Cola from campus or its suspending of four
athletes accused of raping a 17-year-old girl.
He told the Journal News that doctors should treat gays "with dignity, with
respect and with absolute confidentiality" and said the AMA would be
concerned if New York Medical College were graduating students "with
clinical biases that might affect the way they practice medicine."
But he said he has no reason "to believe that that's the case."
Nelson noted that the college is affiliated with the Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of New York. Brigham Young University is a Mormon institution.
Both faiths believe homosexuality is a sin.
Nelson said he was speaking for the AMA, not as a Mormon.
"If you own a business or if you have a private entity, and there are rules
for membership there, you have to follow the rules or you can't be a
member. For example, if you come to Brigham Young University, where my
children happen to go to school, there are certain things you do not do,
among which is, you do not drink Coca-Cola on campus because that's against
the rules. ..."
Dr. Joel Ginsberg, executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Medical
Association, criticized the analogies Nelson used.
"The fact that he's equating the educational activities of this student
organization with drinking Coca-Cola or sexual misconduct is
disheartening," Ginsberg said.
At the beginning of this academic year, the LGBT student group, previously
called the “Student Help” organization, changed its name to the “NYMC
Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender People in Medicine.” (story)
The new name was consistent with many other “LGBTPM” groups associated with
the American Medical Students Association.
But, after the NYMC student group changed its name, NYMC’s administration
revoked the group’s charter. Unlike other student organizations, the group
will not receive funding, may not use space on campus for its activities,
and may not use the college’s e-mail system.
In a statement after the decision was made not to recognize the gay student
group Dean Dr. Ralph O'Connell said "It was clear that the organization and
its leader would advocate and promote activities inconsistent with the
values of NYMC." Since then O'Connell has refused all requests for interviews
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