BREASTS AND MEDICINE, forthcoming, Kluwer Series in the Philosophy of
Medicine, Mary C. Rawlinson, Stony Brook University, editor.
This volume offers a multidisciplary analysis of breast cancer and its
treatments, including analyses from historical, philosophical, ethical, and
literary approaches. It includes essays by Susan Sherwin, Barron Lerner,
Lisa Diedrich, and Loretta Koppleman, among others, as well as an
introduction by Rosemarie Tong. The volume is nearly complete, however,
there is still space for some additions. We are seeking essays that are
nearly ready for publication and seeking a home. In addition to scholarly
papers, illness narratives and reflections on the experience of breast
cancer would be welcome. If you have a piece that you would like us to
consider, please contact me at [log in to unmask] by November
15. Please submit an abstract, proposal, or, if possible, a copy of your