Just in case this has passed under your radar until now, here is a last-minute reminder. You
can submit papers directly to Hypatia, or to me at [log in to unmask] Despite what it
says below, electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. You can also e-mail me with
any questions.
Rebecca Kukla
Call For Papers: Maternal Bodies
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy is seeking papers for a special issue on Maternal
Bodies, to be guest edited by Rebecca Kukla. Over the course of the last several decades,
feminist philosophers have exposed motherhood and maternality as rich and fertile terrains
for ethics, social and political philosophy, and even epistemology and aesthetics. At the
same time, a growing number of philosophers – particularly feminist philosophers – have
thrust the lived, enculturated, material body into the limelight as an object of philosophical
attention. We are coming to see how central questions in ethics, epistemology, and social
philosophy gain depth and clarity when asked explicitly as questions about embodied and
materially situated agents. This volume will bring these two central themes in feminist
philosophy together, in a set of conceptual explorations of maternal bodies as they are
positioned in culture, imaginatively represented, marked by significant differences along lines
of race, class, shape, and capacity, valued as appropriate or inappropriate, constituted in
relation to the bodies of fetuses, children, fathers, lovers, and women who are not mothers,
renegotiated in relationship to new technologies, sites of distinctive skills and epistemic
practices, and sites of agency, responsibility, integrity and vulnerability.
Possible topics include, but are by no means restricted to:
• Relationships between fetal bodies and maternal bodies
• Motherhood and queer sexuality
• Disabled mothers
• The socio-cultural privileges of biological motherhood
• Adoptive maternal bodies
• The medical management of fertility, pregnancy and motherhood
• The ethics and politics of breastfeeding
• The ontology of maternal bodies
• Aging mothers and their adult children
• Mothering across racial differences
• ‘Bad’ and ‘untrustworthy’ maternal bodies
• Absent mothers
• The invisibility or distortion of non-maternal caregiving bodies
• Visual and narrative representations of maternal bodies
• Maternal bodies as objects of science
• Mothering in domestic and in public spaces
• The moral contours of embodied mothering
• Surrogate motherhood
Papers should be less than 10,000 words long, and identified as submissions for the special
issue on Maternal Bodies. The paper submission deadline is 1 November, 2004.
Contributors are to follow the Hypatia style guidelines as found at the Hypatia website: http:/
/www.msu.edu/~hypatia. Please direct all correspondence and manuscripts to: Hypatia, 503
South Kedzie Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824.