The Wellcome Trust
Closing Date: 24 September 2004
The 6th Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) will be held in
Blantyre, Malawi on 16-18 March 2005 and is being organised by the
Wellcome Trust. It will focus on what happens once the research is over,
examining ethical debates on post-trial access to drugs, devices, or
vaccines. The discussion will include issues of post-trial access to
research interventions for study participants, as well as the more
general question of availability of these interventions to host
communities or countries. The meeting will focus on the particular role
of research sponsors and researchers in this complex issue.
The forum provides a venue for delegates from developing and developed
countries to debate the ethical issues surrounding international
collaborative research sponsored by industrialised countries and carried
out in developing countries. Further details on the venue and programme
will be posted on the GFBR website as they
become available. Applications are invited from those involved in
research related to healthcare in developing countries. Awards for
financial support will be limited to participants from developing countries.
If you would like to make an application to attend the Forum, please
apply in writing including: 1. A brief statement explaining why you
would like to take part in the Forum, how you think you would benefit,
and how you might be able to contribute. We would be particularly
interested to hear of difficult ethical issues which you have
encountered in respect to externally sponsored health research and how
they were addressed. (not more than 500 words); 2. A short (1 page) CV;
3. A description of your current work (150 words); 4. A list of recent
publications, especially those relating to the theme of this Forum; 5.
Name and contact details of one referee. Successful applicants from
developing countries will receive an award to cover: return travel to
the meeting (standard airfare), including standard ground transportation
costs; registration for GFBR6, including meeting materials;
accommodation (2 or 3 nights); full board; copy of any publication
resulting from the meeting. Participants will be expected to meet all
other costs.
Where possible, please send your application by email to:
[log in to unmask] (please enter 'GFBR' in the subject
heading). Postal applications should be sent to: Biomedical Ethics
(GFBR), The Wellcome Trust, 210 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, United
The deadline for receipt of applications is 24 September 2004.
Contact details
Email: [log in to unmask]