Important information regarding the upcoming Feminist Approaches to
Bioethics Congress, Sydney 2004.
May we take this opportunity to remind conference participants that all
visitors to Australia, other than New Zealand citizens, require Visa
permits for entry.
We encourage all participants to familiarise themselves with the
information regarding this which can be found on the World Congress web
page at <>.
Particular attention should be paid to the documentation required for
obtaining a Visa. Should you require a formal letter of invitation to
the conference to facilitate this process, please contact Erin Cahill
on [log in to unmask] with your full name, paper title and mailing
address. It is recommended that participants ensure their visa
applications are made early to enable their travel plans
Associate Professor Susan Dodds
Chair, University Ethics Committee
Co-Coordinator International Network on Feminist Approaches to
Bioethics (FAB)
School of English Literatures, Philosophy and Languages
Faculty of Arts
University of Wollongong
NSW 2522
phone: +61 2 4221 3621
fax: +61 2 4221 5341
http: //