The National Institutes of Health (NIH) invite research grant applications
(R01) to investigate ethical issues in human subjects research. The Code of
Federal Regulations - Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR, Part 46)
provides a regulatory framework that all NIH-supported researchers must
follow. Recent developments in biomedical and behavioral research, however,
including the rapid growth of new interventions and technologies (e.g., stem
cells, genetics research), increasing involvement of foreign populations in
clinical research, and concerns about financial conflicts of interest among
researchers, challenge investigators' abilities to interpret and apply the
regulations. Other situations (e.g., research with vulnerable populations,
the use of data banks or archives, research on stigmatizing diseases or
conditions) may present difficulties for identifying strategies, procedures,
and/or techniques that will enhance/ensure the ethical involvement of human
participants in research. The purpose of this program announcement is to
solicit research addressing the ethical challenges of involving human
participants in research in order to inform and optimize protections for
human participation in research.